- Analyse and Application of Centralized Monitor System for Signaling System No. 七号信令集中监测系统的分析与应用。
- At the software, the task used Delphi to design the central monitoring system. 软件设计方面,本课题采用Delphi 语言设计了中央监护中心软件。
- The authors introduce a principle that the computer ocntrols the multimedia teaching centralized monitoring system by using of DTMF.This method is simple and dependable. 介绍了一种计算机通过利用双音多频(DTMF)码进行控制的多媒体数学集中控制系统的工作原理。
- The control code is open.The teachers can put the control code into the teaching software(CAI) so as to make the multimedia teaching centralized monitoring system automatized. 控制码开放,教师可将控制码做在教学软件(CAI课件)中,以使多媒体教学集中控制系统完全自动化。
- display monitor central monitoring system 监示器
- Data communication of central monitor system 中央监护系统中的数据通讯
- Centralized Monitoring System for Catenary Disconnecting Switch 接触网隔离开关集中监控系统
- Centralized Monitoring System of Electroplating Power 电镀电源集中监控系统的设计
- Design and Optimization of Centralized Monitoring System for Optical Cable Line 铁路光缆线路集中监测系统设计及优化设想
- Central monitoring system for long distance environment 远程环境集中监控系统
- Wireless central monitor system based on Bluetooth 基于蓝牙技术构建无线中央监护系统
- Design of repeater in multi -parameter centralized monitor system 一种集中式远程多参数监护仪的集中器设计
- Design of the Remote Centralized Monitor System of Digital Images 数字图像远程集中监控系统设计
- Application of Central Monitoring System for Sanitary Operating Department 医院洁净手术部的监控系统
- SD-9000 the series multi parameter patient monitor central monitor system SD-9000系列多参数监护仪中央监护系统
- Design of PLC Monitoring System Based on Fieldbus. 基于现场总线的PLC网络监控系统设计。
- CCTV Monitoring System at Nanchang Gas Co. 南昌市煤气公司闭路电视监控系统简介。
- Discussion on several problems of telecommunication power supply centralized monitoring system 通信电源集中监控系统若干问题的探讨
- Optimizing and updating centralized monitor system about communication power and machine-room 通信电源、机房环境集中监控系统优化和升级