- It stands for Central Intelligence agency. 它代表中央情报局。
- McLaughlin, the deputy director of central intelligence, that the C.I.A. 这使人们能够接受智者的指导,作为不完善的“自我”的补充。
- Attorney General John Ashcroft and Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet. 司法部长john Ashcroft及中央情报局负责人George Tenet。
- Critics of the reclassification program say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other U. 评论家指出移走文件进行重新分类是中情局和其他间谍组织幕后操作所为。
- He said president Bush made the right decision in nominating former Central Intelligence Agency Robert Gates to succeed Rumsfeld. 他说布什总统提名前中情局的Robert继任拉姆斯菲尔德是做出了一个正确的决定。
- On the other hand, the power of president expands since the Central Intelligence Agency face and respond to the president directly. 另一方面,由于中央情报局长直接向总统负责而产生的总统权力的扩大。
- The US Central Intelligence Agency was facing a fresh crisis for its failure to stop attacks in Baghdad and Karbala on Tuesday. 美国中央情报局由于未能阻止 周二在巴格达和卡尔巴拉的袭击,而面临新的危机。
- Kwame Nkrumah, without taking into account local collusion with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which has been considered the key culprit. KwameNkrumah的下台,但却避而不谈当地某些人与美国中央情报局(CIA)的共谋,后者一直被视为该事件的主要源由。
- US House Representative Porter Goss was nominated by President George W. Bush as the new head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on Tuesday. 布什10日宣布提名美众议院特别情报委员会主席、共和党人戈斯出任中央情报局局长。
- The Central Intelligence Agency (hereafter called the "CIA") would never hire people who draw that kind of attention to themselves. 中央情报局(后面将称为CIA)永远不会雇佣会吸引太多注意力的人。
- Than the Central Intelligence Agency but also mysterious, more powerful than the FBI, who only a very small number of people who are black people. 比中央情报局还要神秘,比联邦调查局还要强大,他们只有极少数几个人,他们就是黑衣人。
- Geller, who says he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency during the Cold War, said his information came from a high-level source involved in U.S. paranormal programs. 声称冷战时期曾供职于国家情报局的盖勒,说他的消息有来自高端报料,也包括在美国超常项目之中。
- It is during the exact phase that a controversy within the U.S. government broke out on how to establish a postwar central intelligence agency for the country. 于是,在第二次世界大战结束前后,美国政府内部发生了一场关于如何组织建立战后美国中央情报机构的争论,这是美国政府内部第一次就情报问题展开的大讨论。
- Critics of the reclassification program say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other U.S. spy agencies are the driving force behind the move to reclassify the documents. 对“重新分类档案”计划持批评态度的评论家认为中情局和其他国家间谍机构在背后对此施加了压力。
- Libby was convicted in March of lying to a grand jury investigating the disclosure of the identity of an undercover operative for the Central Intelligence Agency. 利比今年3月因为向大陪审团撒谎而被判有罪,大陪审团在调查有关向媒体洩漏中央情报局一位特工身份的案件。
- Central intelligence agency, F.B.I. and police station in LA of the United States all say oneself to the president to be him best of left and right hands. 美国的中央情报局、联邦调查局和洛城警署都对总统说自己是他最好的左右手。
- At no time did we meet in a government building. “Covert,” as opposed to “overt,” employees, we never saw inside the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency. /因为我们是秘密而非公开的雇员,我们也没有见过中央情报局总部是什么样子。
- The Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, Air Force General Michael Hayden, talked about the Iraqi's offensive in Basra and elsewhere on NBC's Meet the Press. 美国中央情报局局长海登将军在全国广播公司的“同媒体见面”节目中谈到了伊拉克人在巴士拉和其他地区进行的战斗。
- In 1973, tipped off about forthcoming investigations, Richard Helms, then DCI [Director of Central Intelligence], ordered the destruction of any MKULTRA records. 在1973年,在即将来临的调查泄密前后,RichardHelms,CIA的主管,命令毁掉MKULTRA的纪录。
- At first glance, Jeanne Vertefeuille might have seemed an unlikely choice to hunt down the most damaging mole in the history of the Central Intelligence Agency. 乍看之下,揪出这个中央情报局有史以来危害最大的双重间谍的工作,似乎不可能轮到韦特弗耶来做。