- central processor model 中央处理器模式
- A reconfigurable DSP processor model and its micro-architecture, whose control-path and data-path can be reconfigured. 4、一种控制通路和数据通路均可重构的DSP处理器模型及其微体系结构。
- A condition in which the central processor of a computer attempts to perform an illegal or forbidden operation or in which it is continuously repeating the same routine. 中央处理机试图执行非法的或被禁止的操作或连续重复执行相同程序而引起的一种状态。
- This problem occurs because certain processor and BIOS combinations exist where the BIOS does not correctly support the specific processor model. 出现此问题的原因是,在某种特定的处理器和BIOS组合之下,BIOS无法正常支持该型号的处理器。
- The AWOS is a modular system utilizing a central processor which receives input from multiple sensors. AWOS是一个模块系统,有一台中央处理器可以从多个传感器上获取数据,然后进行处理。
- The design of computers to permit expansion of their capabilities by increasing the central processor's hardware and the number of peripheral devices, as required. 计算机硬件系统的设计方法,必要时可增加中央处理机的硬件或外部设备来扩充机器的性能。
- The facility of a computer to allow input /output on its peripherals to continue in parallel with operations in the central processor. 计算机的一种功能(设施),使其外围设备上的输入输出操作与中央处理机中的操作并行进行。
- The design of computers to permit expansion of their capabilities by increasing the central processor's hardware and the number of peripheral devices,as required. 计算机硬件系统的设计方法,必要时可增加中央处理机的硬件或外部设备来扩充机器的性能。
- To solve the problem, a new embedded machine vision system is proposed, which takes the USB camera as the image acquisition unit and ARM as central processor. 针对此问题,本文设计了一个以USB数码摄像头为图像采集设备、ARM为核心处理器的嵌入式机器视觉系统。
- "The central processor is a specialized digital computer, which, continuously executes instructions of a program stored in the instruction and translation (program)store. 中央处理机是一种特殊的数字计算机,它能连续执行存放于指令和翻译(程序)存储器的程序指令。
- The central processor adopts a AT89C52 SCM as core processor and calculates the vehicle’s speed along the line according to all the outputs of the detection submodules. 上位处理器以AT89C52单片机为核心,根据所有子块的输出,计算出车辆在线路上的速度。
- Business scope: an abundant supply of hard drives, central processor and peripheral products. memory, DRAM, DVDRW, CDRW. provide various brands of flash memory cards. 经营范围:大量供应硬盘、中心处理器和周边产品。内存、DRAM、DVDRW、CDRW。提供各种品牌的闪存卡。
- Most current models, including Samsung's NC10, much of the Asus Eee range, the MSI Wind and the Acer Aspire One, use Intel's Atom as their central processor. 最流行的型号,包括三星公司的NC10、大部分华硕Eee系列、MSI的Wind和宏基的AspireOne,都采用了英特尔的Atom作为中央处理器。
- An interface which generally has the ability to gain mastership of the bus in order to give the central processor the address of a subroutine which the processor will use to service the peripheral. 一种通常能获得总线的主权的接口,它给中央处理机一个处理中断子程序地址,中央处理机使用这个地址为外部设备服务。
- A detection system based on operational platforms with high- speed DSP is introduced. The central processor of the system is DSP chip TMS320F2812, B-spline3 wavelet is selected for singularity detection of transient traveling signal in power system. 介绍了一种以高速数字信号处理芯片为运行平台的奇异性检测系统,该系统以DSP芯片TMS320F2812为中央处理器,采用三次B-样条小波对电力系统暂态行波信号进行奇异性检测。
- A study of TDM central processor is performed according to CCITT recommendation R_(101). The practical circuit and controling programs of central processor are designed and tested. 本设计是根据 CCITT R_(101)建议,对 TDM 中央处理器进行了研究,并对电路和控制程序进行了设计和调测。
- The interaction between the central processor and the peripheral devices. The devices report their status during data transfers so that the processor knows when an operation is completed and more data can betransferred. 中央处理机与外部设备之间的信息交换。在数据传送期间,这些外部设备向中央处理机报告它们的状态,以使中央处理机知道操作何时完成以及何时可以再传送数据。
- AMD will now introduce the AMD Phenom 9700 and 9900 models in Q2 2008.This decision was based on OEM input on how AMD should prioritize its next two waves of AMD Phenom processor models. AMD将于08年2季度发布羿龙9700和9900.;这个决定是基于OEM厂商对AMD下两波羿龙处理器优先次序的建议。
- Abstract: This paper introduced a device for aggregative electric parameters testing of DC voltage relays with a 80C552 SCM as the central processor,and stated its hardware and software flow. 摘 要: 介绍了一种以80C552单片机为中央处理机的直流电压继电器综合电参数测试装置,简述了其硬件结构和软件流程。
- This paper introduced a device for aggregative electric parameters testing of DC voltage relays with a 80C552 SCM as the central processor, and stated its hardware and software flow. 介绍了一种以80C552单片机为中央处理机的直流电压继电器综合电参数测试装置,简述了其硬件结构和软件流程。