- A relative amount of data, usually larger than can be stored in the central processing unit of a computer at any one time. 数据量多到超过一台计算机的中央处理机一次所能存储的总量的数据。
- The central processing unit of a computer exclusive of peripheral and remote devices. 主机计算机除了外部和分离的装置以外的中心运作部件
- A fast storage buffer in the central processing unit of a computer. 缓冲存储器计算机中央处理单元中的快速缓冲存储器
- The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. 中央处理器(cpu)是计算机的大脑。
- Windows works by timesharing the central processing unit (CPU) . Windows是通过中央处理器的分时运行而工作的。
- An integrated circuit that contains the entire central processing unit of a computer on a single chip. 微处理机一个芯片上的包含有一个计算机的全部中央处理组件的集成电路
- The ALU is one component of the CPU (central processing unit). ALU是CPU(中央处理器)的一个零部件。
- A microprocessor functions as the central processing unit of a microcomputer. 微处理器像一台微型电脑的大脑一样工作。
- There will be a separate data bus connecting the central processing unit to memory devices. 有一条独立的数据总线将中央处理机与存储器连接起来。
- CPU is the abbreviation of Central Processing Unit,which is the heart of a computer like the head of a family. CPU是中央处理单元的英文缩写。它是计算机的心脏,好比一家之主一样。
- Central processing unit (CPU) is the primary functioning unit of any computer system. 中央处理器是任何计算机系统都有的基本功能部件。
- A relative amount of data, usually larger than can be stored in the central processing unit of a. 数据量多到超过一台计算机的中央处理机一次所能存储的总量的数据。
- The central processing unit of a computer exclusive of peripheraland remote devices. 主机计算机除了外部和分离的装置以外的中心运作部件。
- An integratedcircuit that contains the entire central processing unit of a computer on a single chip. 微处理机一个芯片上的包含有一个计算机的全部中央处理组件的集成电路。
- A clock device which adds up the time during which each program, in a multiprogramming machine, is utilizing the central processing unit. 多道程序计算机中将每个程序占用中央处理机的时间加在一起的一种时钟设备。
- Unlike QBRT-based routers, conventional routers employ a shared bus and central processing unit that handle all functions serially. 常规路由器与基于qbrt路由器不一样,它使用共享总线和中央处理器,串行地处理所有功能。
- Host: (1) Main central processing unit in a multi-computer system.(2) Holder of an online database. 主机:(1)多电脑系统中的主要中央处理机。(2)连线数据库的控制部。
- A portion of memory having short access time, as compared to the main memory of the central processing unit. 与中央处理机的主存储器相比具有更短存取时间的存取时间的存储器。
- CPU is the abbreviation of Central Processing Unit, which is the heart of a computer like the head of a family. CPU是中央处理单元的英文缩写。它是计算机的心脏,好比一家之主一样。
- Microprocessor: The central processing unit of a microcomputer. The microprocessor is contained on a single integrated circuit chip. 微处理器:微型计算机的中央处理单位.;封装在一枚单一集成电路薄片上