- central leader training 中轴式整枝
- Growth of the central leader is maintained weak by annual replacement pruning. 利用年年更新修剪的方法来削弱中央领导干的生长。
- The trees produce a strong central leader which, if not checked in growth, tends to dominate over the lower branches. 植株能长出强壮的中央领导干,对中央领导干的生长如果不加以遏止的话,就会压制基层主枝的生长。
- The current central leaders have been doing a good job. 现在中央的班子干得不错嘛!
- After the meeting, the election produced new central leader orgnaization, consolidated further Wang Ming " left " adventurism is in bend within the party regnant. 会后,选举产生了新的中央领导机构,进一步巩固了王明“左”倾冒险主义在党内的统治。
- The present central leaders are rather advanced in years. 现在中央这个班子年龄还是大了点
- Apart from caring for his flock, Pastor Jim is devoted to building up lay leaders through Expositional Bible Study training and Worship Leader training. 除了关顾羣羊之外,詹传道更致力于透过释经法研经和敬拜领袖训练,来建立平信徒领袖。
- High Performance Team Leader Training 高效团队领导训练
- The present central leaders are rather advanced in years. Those who are a little over 60 are counted as young. 现在,中央这个班子年龄还是大了点,六十过一点的就算年轻的了。
- The train leaves the central station at14:15. 火车14点15分离开中央车站。
- Party central leaders will hold deliberations on Dahal's paper starting tomorrow. 党的中央领导人将在明天对普拉昌达的报告进行详细的讨论。
- A year-long'Community Consumer Leaders Training Programme'was launched to train some Secondary 5 students and undergraduates of the education faculty to become consumer educators for their local communities. 此外,又展开为期一年的消费者权益青年社区领袖训练计划,目的是培训中五和教育系的大学生,让他们负起推动社区消费者教育的任务。
- delayed-open central leader system 疏散分层形
- A year-long 'Community Consumer Leaders Training Programme' was launched to train some Secondary 5 students and undergraduates of the education faculty to become consumer educators for their local communities. 此外,又展开为期一年的消费者权益青年社区领袖训练计划,目的是培训中五和教育系的大学生,让他们负起推动社区消费者教育的任务。
- the second - generation central leader collective 第二代中央领导集体
- The red in the sea area of Guangxi don't brind on greatly and directily economic losses,but it attracts central leaders' attention. 广西海域赤潮虽然还没有造成重大直接经济损失,但已引起了中央有关领导人的关注。
- Such values are central to our way of life. 这些价值对于我们的生活方式是至关重要的。
- Under the leadership of the third generation of central leaders with President Jiang Zemin at the core,we will continue to follow this correct road and march to the new century with the instance of further opening. 在以江泽民主席为核心的中国第三代领导集体的带领下,我们将继续沿着这一条正确的道路更好地走下去,以更开放的姿态大步迈向新的世纪。
- She stay in a small hotel near Central park. 她住在中央公园附近的一家小旅馆。