- Favoring ethnic minority areas in appropriating funds from the central budget. 中央资金重点向少数民族地区倾斜。
- The central budget will allocate 30.5 billion Yuan to support this reform in 2003. 今年中央财政预算用于支持这项改革的资金将达305亿元。
- The central budget shall be examined and approved by the National People's Congress. 第三十九条中央预算由全国人民代表大会审查和批准。
- The adjustment plan of the central budget must be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for examination and approval. 中央预算的调整方案必须提请全国人民代表大会常务委员会审查和批准。
- The funds needed for the servicing of debts already raised in the central budget shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 中央预算中对已经举借的债务还本付息所需的资金,依照前款规定办理。
- In 2007 more than 700 million yuan has been earmarked from the central budget for subsidizing the implementation of 212 renewable energy demonstration projects in three batches. 2007年,中央财政共安排补助资金7亿多元,支持了三批212个可再生能源建筑应用示范推广项目的实施。
- The preceding Paragraph shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the general budget proposal for the central government compiled by the central budget accounting and statistics agency. 前项规定,于中央主计机关编列中央政府总预算案时,准用之。
- Article17 The National Audit Administration shall, under the leadership of the Premier of the State Council, exercise supervision through auditing over the implementation of the central budget and submit audit reports thereon to the Premier. 第十七条审计署在国务院总理领导下,对中央预算执行情况进行审计监督,向国务院总理提出审计结果报告。
- The central budget includes revenues turned over by the local governments to the Central Government and revenues refunded or subsidies granted by the Central Government to the local governments. 中央预算包括地方向中央上解的收入数额和中央对地方返还或者给予补助的数额。
- Partial funds for construction investment indispensable to the central budget may be raised in form of domestic and foreign loans, provided that loans shall be in a rational scale and structure. 中央预算中必需的建设投资的部分资金,可以通过举借国内和国外债务等方式筹措,但是借债应当有合理的规模和结构。
- The central budget and the budgets of local governments at various levels shall be compiled according to the dual budget system. 第二十六条中央预算和地方各级政府预算按照复式预算编制。
- Average budgetary receipts is to pass a budget (central budget and local budget) finance capital of concentration, it is the component of finance income. 一般预算收入是通过预算(中心预算和地方预算)集中的财政资金,是财政收入的组成部分。
- The budget of the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as the central budget) consists of the budgets of its different departments (including the units directly under them, similarly hereinafter). 第四条中央政府预算(以下简称中央预算)由中央各部门(含直属单位,下同)的预算组成。
- Such values are central to our way of life. 这些价值对于我们的生活方式是至关重要的。
- She stay in a small hotel near Central park. 她住在中央公园附近的一家小旅馆。
- Choose a central location for your house. 把你的家选在一个便利的地方。
- Buses leave the central bus depot every hour. 每个小时都有公共汽车离开公共汽车中心站。
- In a small hotel near Central Park. 住在中央公园附近一家小旅馆。
- Make sure the central heating is off. 集中供暖设备一定要关掉。
- The budget should be made by central departments. 财政预算要由中央部门做出。