- A central banker walks into a pizzeria to order a pizza. 一个中央银行家走进一家匹萨店点了一份匹萨。
- It will doubtless be the trickiest challenge facing any central banker. 它无疑地将是任何央行所面对最难处理的挑战。
- You might do better to consult a central banker such as Mervyn King. 出于并非毫不掺杂私心的理由,我建议你别穿裤子。
- But even the Italian taste for eavesdropping on the words of, say, a central banker or top footballing figure seems to have paled. 但人们想要知道被窃听的银行老板和足球明星欲望将要被阻止。
- CONSISTENCY may be the hobgoblin of little minds, but it is an excellent quality in a central banker. 这也许是令人厌恶的小人物身上的一致性做法,但却让欧洲央行引以为豪。
- He was not the only central banker to come to this realisation, or even the first. 他不是唯一一个认识到现实的中央银行家,甚至不是第一个。
- Nor, once the crisis struck, was he the only central banker to prove handy with monetary plunger and wrench. 一旦危机爆发,其实他并不是唯一唾手可得的中央银行家,能像使用塞子和扳手一样调整货币政策。
- But not all central bankers are so insouciant. 然而,不是所有的央行人士都对此高枕无忧。
- A boring central banker is somebody who blindly follows a stochastic dynamic equilibrium model, a strangely sanitized world free of money and credit. 令人烦恼的中央银行都是那些盲目追随随机变动均衡模型,认为干净的世界免于货币和信贷的干扰。
- The Chairman believes that his new gadgetry will allow him to perform a feat of monetary magic no other central banker has managed to pull off. 联储主席试图让我们相信,他有一套神奇的货币工具,能及其他中央银行家们所不及。
- During Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan\'s nearly 20 years as the world\' most powerful central banker, the U.S has suffered only one recession, a brief one in 1990-1991. 格林斯潘作为全球最有实力的中央银行的掌舵人;在其近20年的任期中;美国仅在1990-1991年间遭受过一次短暂的经济萧条.
- Elsewhere, central bankers have stood pat or tightened. 换句话说,央行的银行家们已经严阵以待。
- All have robust economies and respected central bankers. 所有国家都有着强健的经济和受到尊敬的中央银行。
- G10 central bankers say they will work hard to stop inflation. G10各国央行总裁表示,将努力防止通货膨胀。
- Sir David Walker, a former central banker charged with an official review of bank-governance practices, has suggested that bands of remuneration for heavy hitters outside the boardroom be disclosed. 被控对银行管理进行审查的前央行行长大卫-沃克,暗示应该将那些董事会之外的高额收入者找出来。
- Central bankers have never had any illusions of their own omnipotence. 中行的银行家们已经不再对于他们自己的无所不能存有幻想了。
- If prudence is telling the central bankers to stand pat, so is their optimism. 如果出于对通胀的警惕的原因,联储蓄要做出强硬的态度,那么他们的乐观大概也是这个原因。
- FROM Washington to Wellington price stability is the desire of central bankers. 从华盛顿到惠灵顿,各国央行都希望物价稳定。
- It is the volatile type of trade that central bankers lose sleep over. 正是这种波动性很大的交易令央行的决策者们夜不能眠。
- Might central bankers soon start to peer at the monetary dials again? 中央银行家们很快又会重新注视货币手段吗?