- cementum resorption [医] 牙骨质吸收
- The process of dissolution and resorption of bony tissue. 骨组织吸收骨组织分解和吸收的过程
- The processof dissolution and resorption of bony tissue. 骨组织吸收骨组织分解和吸收的过程。
- Helps to reduce bone resorption, increases bone density. 减少骨质流失和提升骨质密度。
- The root is covered with a hard material called cementum. 牙根上覆盖着的坚硬材料叫作牙骨质。
- Recently, the regeneration of cementum has attracted more and more attention. 作为牙周组织的重要组成部分,牙骨质的再生已成为目前的研究热点。
- The degeneration and resorption of one or more ovarian follicles before a state of maturity has been reached. 退化一个或多个卵子囊在达到成熟状态之前的退化或消失
- Objective: To compare the function of bone resorption by the multinucleated giant cell (MGC) separated from giant cell tumour(GCT) with the osteoclast. 目的:比较骨巨细胞瘤中的多核巨细胞与破骨细胞骨吸收的功能特点。
- The metabolism of bone is reflected by biochemical markers of bone's resorption, formation and bone turnover. 氟骨症骨转换加速,骨代谢异常。
- During the late stage, the principal fibers stained for fibromodulin at the interfaces between cementum and new bone. 愈合晚期,纤维调节素表达于牙骨质和新骨交界处的主纤维。
- Conclusions. Infliximab did not appear to interfere with disc herniation resorption oer a 6-month period. 结论:英夫利昔单抗在6个月的时间内似乎没有影响椎间盘疝出的再吸收。
- Structural changes of dental enamel, dentine, cementum and pulpal reactions in carious process are discussed. 其中,釉质龋的研究资料最为丰富,其次是牙本质,有关牙骨质龋的资料最少。
- S/BS and OS/BS decreased(P<0.01,P<0.05),but bone resorption index including ES/BS and N. 与假切4个月组相比;去卵巢4个月组胫骨平均骨小梁体积(BV/TV)显著减少(P<0.;05);ES/BS显著增加(P<0
- This book comprehensively reviews bonding to enamel, dentin and cementum and analyses relevant adhesion mechanisms. 这本书综合评论压焊给牙质和牙骨质和分析相关的黏著机制涂瓷釉。
- This might be explained by altered resorption, altered lier metabolism, or altered platelet response. 这可能通过再吸收改变,肝脏代谢改变,或者血小板反应性改变来解释。
- Structural changes of dental enamel,dentine,cementum and pulpal reactions in carious process are discussed. 其中,釉质龋的研究资料最为丰富,其次是牙本质,有关牙骨质龋的资料最少。
- Osteoporosis (bone resorption) is often brought on by high phosphorus and low calcium intake. 骨质疏松症(骨头再吸收)时常被高的磷和低的钙吸入引起。
- The results suggest that formation and calcification of cementum is earler than formation Of alevolar bone. 结果为牙骨质的新生和钙化早于牙槽骨,牙骨质在新生钙化过程中逐渐增厚,由根方向冠方伸展。
- Results.At mean 15 months (range, 12-26 months), resorption of DCA was noted in 53% of levels. 结果:平均15个月(12-26个月)时,在53%25的节段发现DCA的吸收。
- These findings may contribute to the development of a periodontal treatment that includes cementum regeneration. 这些结果可以有助于牙周治疗的发展,包括牙骨质的再生。