- Keywords:overlong drilling and grouting pile; construction; quality control. 超长钻孔灌注桩;施工方法;质量控制;
- On basis of this work three patents on utility models were granted, namely, top_down grouting, grouting pile and pile with inserted reinforcement. 在此基础上笔者研究开发的自上而下注浆法、注浆桩、插筋桩已获三项实用新型专利,一项发明申请受理。
- Electrification rule of cement powder was verified by using the experimental system specially built for test of the electrostatic charge of cement powder and its leakage. 应用静电感应原理设计水泥粉体静电量、筒体静电泄漏电流测试装置,研究水泥粉磨过程中的静电发生规律。
- By discussing executing process of bored grouting pile, the paper points out reasons and preventive measures of quality problems. 通过钻孔压浆灌注桩施工工艺的论述,指出了产生质量问题的原因及防治措施。
- The Design and Construction of the Cement Powder Sprays Pile's 水泥粉喷桩的设计与施工
- The cement grouted pile technique is a new method for foundation bed reinforce,which is greatly interested in engineering building field. 水泥粉喷桩是当前工程建设界十分关注的一种地基加固新方法。
- The screw grout pile is a new kind of pile which has the advantages of high bearing capacity, low cost, convenient construction and environmental pollution-free. 摘要螺杆灌注桩是一种承载力高、造价低、施工方便、无环境污染的新桩型。
- DCM(dynamic compaction method)combined with Vacuum dewatering treatment and extended bottom rotary jet grouting pile is adopted to reinforce saturated soft clay foundation. 针对饱和软粘土的工程特性,采用了真空动力固结联合扩底旋喷桩加固饱和软粘土地基。
- It is stated that the Andrensen equation fits for the particle size distribution (PSD) of a dense package powder and the Rosin-Rammler-Bennett equation fits for the PSD of an actual cement powder, respectively. 粉体的最紧密堆积要求其粒径分布服从Andrensen方程,而实际水泥粉体的粒径分布则服从Rosin-Rammler-Bennet方程。
- The paper introduces the successful applications of jet-grouting pile of small angle,jet grouting pile with steel and compound soil nailing wall in the complicated deep pit. 通过对青岛某大厦基坑工程设计和施工实例分析,介绍了小角度旋喷桩、加筋旋喷桩、和复合土钉墙三种支护技术在复杂深基坑中的成功应用。
- Discussion on Sclerosis Mechanism and Influence Factor of Cement Powder Pile 论水泥粉喷桩的硬化机理与影响因素
- The simple and practicable support technology of mud slurry protection of bore hole and overhanging grouting pile resolves successfully the difficulties of the deep base pit support with good result. 通过采用简单、易行的泥浆护壁钻孔悬臂灌注桩支护技术,成功地解决了深基坑支护施工难题,并取得了良好的支护效果。
- CRG piles (Concrete Reinforced Grouting Pile) are introduced by authors, the design method and construction technological process and standard of quality testing are illustrated. 本文介绍了CRG桩,提出CRG桩设计计算方法、施工工艺及质量检验标准,三次试验取得了成功,并在广州跑马地小区的高层建筑基础中推广应用。
- Through a mixture of several grinding agents most in use and theagent of LQ 2301 compound can effectively increase the cement powders grinding efficiency and economicresults. 利用亚硫酸盐纸浆废液、芒硝和高效减水剂作复合助磨剂对水泥粉磨效率及其性能进行了试验研究。
- The application of high-pressure jet grouting piles for soil treatment of a wharf s backland area is introduced. 介绍高压旋喷技术在浙江某码头工程软土地基处理中的应用,阐述高压旋喷桩的施工工艺、技术参数及其特点。
- Quantitative Estimation of Grinding Aid in Cement Powder 定量评价水泥粉体助磨剂的方法
- Application Effect Evaluation and Examination of Cement Powder Spray Agitation Pile in the Highway Soft Base Processing 高速公路软基处理中的水泥粉体喷射搅拌桩应用效果评析及检测
- Super-flowing concrete drill hole grouting pile 超流态混凝土钻孔压灌桩
- Technique of grouting pile by hand pole 人工挖孔灌注桩施工工艺
- Selection of Test Methods to the Cement Powder Sprayed Stake 论水泥粉喷桩检测方法的选择