- And microstructure of cement paste is also observed by SEM technology. 同时,还应用sem对混合水泥硬化浆体的微观结构进行了观察。
- As for the indentation test, C190 cement paste and marble specimens are used. 而贯切试验选用C190水泥砂浆与大理岩试体。
- The TDC of cement paste or mortar increases with mixing slag powder. 随着矿渣的掺入,水泥浆体线膨胀系数有增大的趋势;
- The cement paste covers the surface of the stones and sand particles, binding them together when it hardens. 水泥浆充填盖满石子和砂粒的表面,硬化时将它们胶结在一起。
- Suitable to various cement paste surface, asbestos pan, gypsum pan for protection decoration primer. 适用于各水泥灰浆表面,石棉板、石膏板面的保护性装饰底漆。
- Suitable to various cement paste surface, asbestos pan, gypsum pan for protection decoration. 适用于各水泥灰浆表面,石棉板、石膏板面的保护性装饰。
- Hydration of nano-SiO_2 and nano-CaCO_3 in cement paste were studied by XRD, SEM, TEM and EDXA. 本文采用X衍射分析(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)和扫描电子显微镜X射线能谱分析(EDXA)研究了纳米SiO_2和纳米CaCO_3在水泥中的水化过程。
- Stemming from the washing sieve, a test method of cement paste agglomeration (CPA) was proposed. 由水筛法得到启示,提出了一套水泥净浆结粒的检测方法。
- The effects of different kinds of admixtures on microstructure of cement paste were investigated by XRD, SEM and MIP. 采用XRD、SEM和MIP方法相结合,研究了混凝土外加剂对水泥浆体微结构的影响。
- A multi-level simulation method is presented for predicting the elastic moduli of hardened cement paste. 提出了硬化水泥石弹性模量预测的分级模拟方法。
- The influence of electrode on accelerating chloride ion permeation through hardened cement paste was studied. 本文研究了加速氯离子渗透过水泥石试验中铜电极和不锈钢对试验结果的影响;
- Influence of this water reducer on the performance of cement paste and concrete were also discussed. 并研究了该减水剂对水泥净浆性能和混凝土性能的影响。
- The long-term expansion of harden expansive cement paste should mainly attribute to the water absorption of gel-alike AFt. 膨胀水泥硬化浆体的后期膨胀主要依靠凝胶状aft吸水肿胀而形成驱动力。
- The hydration and harden mechanism as well as microstructure and feature of cement paste with metakaolin have been analyzed compared with that without metakaolin. 利用多种微观测试手段,对掺加与不掺偏高岭土水泥体系的水化硬化机理、水化浆体显微结构与形貌进行了对比分析。
- The surface of modified EPS can be changed from the character of water-repellent to hydrophilic,and be wetted by freshly mixed portland cement paste. 通过改性,EPS表面由憎水性变为亲水性,能被新拌硅酸盐水泥浆体所润湿。
- The instantaneous Young's modulus and Poisson(ratio) of the cement paste are calculated by the direct average method and tw. 利用本文中模型和均匀化方法(直接平均法和二尺度展开法)计算了水泥浆体在各瞬时的杨氏模量和泊松比。
- J.C.Maso.The bond between aggregate and hydrated cement paste,the 7th Intermational Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Vol.I,Paris, 1980. 张光玉.;用界面-填料法改善混凝土粗集料界面区微结构的研究[J]
- The el cts of chemical composition of waterglass on the compressive strength and pore structure of alkali slag cement paste were investigated. 本文主要研究了激发剂对碱矿渣水泥强度、硬化碱矿渣水泥浆体的孔结构及其水化程度的影响。
- In this work, the effect of water-binder ratios (w/b) and amount of admixture on the plastic shrinkage of blended cement paste were investigated. 摘要采用自行设计测定塑性收缩的方法,对不同胶凝材料净浆在不同水胶比情况下的塑性收缩变化规律及矿物掺和料对塑性收缩的影响进行了研究。
- The effect of low calcium fly ash on expansive property and pore structure characteristics of the MgO slight expansive cement paste were investigated. 研究低钙粉煤灰对氧化镁微膨胀水泥的膨胀性能与水泥石孔结构的影响。