- Designed by the high artist in Yixing Celadon ware Researching centre,Wu Keqiang.Handmade craft, Ceramic glaze stipple. 编辑点评: 由宜兴青瓷厂青瓷研究所高级工艺美术师吴克强设计制作,手工刻花,窑变釉点彩.
- Comparison between the Pictures of Folk Celadon Ware and the Ones of Traditional Freehand Brushwork 民间青花瓷画和传统写意画之比较
- -in Beijing-the most common porcelain tea with white porcelain, celadon ware tea, and Taiwan porcelain tea.Porcelain tea exported more than watching the brightly. ????正宗的紫砂壶和一般的陶器不同,其里外都不敷釉,采用当地的紫泥、红泥、团山泥抟制焙烧而成。
- Be ware of falling into their trap. 当心中了他们的计。
- Longquan celadon ware 龙泉青瓷
- The shop sells a great variety of porcelain ware. 这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。
- the celadon ware produced here? 可以看到这里产的青瓷呢?
- celadon ware 青瓷瓷器
- Our store is the biggest dealer in Cloisonne ware here. 本店是此地最大的景泰蓝销售店。
- Six of the Tang Dynasty celadon origin one. 为唐代六大青瓷产地之一。
- Cups, bowls and pots are typical hollow ware. 杯子、碗和壶都是典型的凹形器皿。
- When I do not know shutting down ware. 我不知道什么时候关机器。
- The pupils ware dismissed from school. 学生们放学了。
- Sound your horn to ware other drivers. 揿响喇叭提醒其他司机。
- Good ware will never want a chapman. 好货不须叫卖。
- This hall exhibits jade ware and ceramics. 这个馆陈列的是玉器和陶器。
- I do not know when to shut down ware. 我不知道什么时候关机器。
- Delightful celadon gives a person sedate and refined feeling. 宜人的灰绿色给人稳重并且雅致的感觉。
- Afterwards, the celadon production has never been interrupted. 此后,青瓷的制作和生产在江西从未间断过。
- Our market niche is women who ware larger sizes. 我们的市场定位是为那些穿大尺码的女士生产服装。