- We need to set a ceiling on the price of corn. 我们得给玉米价格设个上限。
- The legislator was laughed down by his colleagues when he proposed another freeze on wages. 当那个议员提议再次冻结工资时,他的同事们用嘲笑打断了他。
- He jumped up to the ceiling on hearing the news. 得知这个消息,他暴跳起来。
- The freeze on wages hit skilled workers particularly hard. 工资冻结对熟练工人的打击尤为沉重。
- ceiling on wages [经] 最高工资
- The government has issued guidelines on wages and price's rise. 政府发布了涨工资和提高物价的提导原则。
- To wobble e. G. The president wobbles on wages on wages policy. 总裁在工资政策上摇摆不定。
- I was due for a raise when they put a freeze on wages. 我正好应当涨工资, 他们却实行了工资冻结。
- The hundred-dollar ceiling on the purchase of Chinese goods was lifted. 购买中国商品的百元限额被取消了。
- The government's law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions. 政府的工资与物价控制法由于有例外而被削弱了。
- A report on wage rise in the public sector or on public sector wage settlement. 一项关于公共部门或政府资助企业工资增涨的报告。
- In 1971, President Nixon announced a 90-day freeze on wages, prices and rents. 1971年,.;尼克松总统宣布冻结工资,价格,租金90天!
- The lack of any ceiling on the liability of a partner may deter a wealthy person from entering a partnership. 缺乏上限的合伙人负债可能阻止富有的人参加合伙。
- An unemployment insurance claim based on wage credits from more than one state. 根据多个州的工资记录提出的失业保险索赔。
- The Chancellor of the Exchequer is putting a financial ceiling on the Health Service. 财政大臣给保健服务定下了经费上限。
- The government's new law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions. 政府关于工资和控制物价的新规定被其中的那些例外情况削弱了。
- The White House insisted on a five-year agreement with a ceiling on permitted purchases. 白宫坚持要签订一项为期五年的协定,规定允许采购的最高限额。
- Will China hit a ceiling on innovation because of its political authoritarianism? That's what we need to watch for. 中国的创新会由于政治上的权力主义而碰到一个“天花板吗?这是我们要注意的问题。
- Economists and experts on wages have long tried to discover what factors were influencing people's salaries. 经济学家和工资专家们长期以来一直想找到影响人们工资的因素。
- What are effects on wages and inequality, on social safety nets, on production, and innovation? 全球化在薪资和不平等、社会安全网络、生产面、和改革方面的影响?