- The conflict ended with a six-point ceasefire agreement brokered by France. 由法国为中间人达成六条停火协议结束冲突。
- Under the terms of a UN ceasefire agreement that ended the 1991 Gulf War, Baghdad was obligated to destroy all of its Scud missiles. 伊拉克政府在结束一九九一年波斯湾战争的联合国停火协议的规范下,被迫摧毁飞毛腿飞弹。
- This came after a ceasefire agreement announced late Friday, a deadly day of battles between the two sides. 上周五是双方战争伤亡惨重的一天,而在该天宣布停火协议之后发生了周六的枪战。
- In June 2000, Ethiopia and eritrea signed ceasefire agreement and peace agreement December the same year. 2000年6月,埃厄两国签署停火协议,同年12月签署和平协议。
- Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili says he has signed a ceasefire agreement with Russia. 格鲁吉亚总统萨卡什维利表示他已经和俄罗斯签署了停战协议。
- These talks aim only to bolster a ceasefire agreement, it was brokered three years ago by Norway. 这次的谈判的目地只是为了巩固三年前由挪威参与调解而达成的停火协议。
- Moscow has rejected a draft UN resolution on Georgia, saying it contradicts the terms of last week's ceasefire agreement. 莫斯科拒绝了一项联合国针对格鲁吉亚所提出的决议草案,说它和上周的停火协定相矛盾。
- On April 4, 2002, the Angolan Government and UNITA signed the ceasefire agreement to terminate the civil war that had lasted for 27 years. 连年战乱严重影响了安哥拉经济的发展,使安成为世界最不发达国家之一。
- This is the most lethal attack since the US Middle East envoy Zinni arrived Middle East last Thursday. Zinni is trying to push ahead with a ceasefire agreement. 这是美国中东特使津尼上周四抵达中东力促以巴双方达成停火协议以来所发生的最严重袭击事件。
- Russia says it plans on patrolling the region, even though the US and France say the area lies outside of the ceasefire agreement Russia signed earlier this month. 虽然美国和法国称该地区不在俄罗斯上月签署的停火协议的范围中,但俄罗斯表示仍将对该地区进行巡逻。
- What international society should be doing now is negotiating a ceasefire, said Lahoud. Have both sides agree to a ceasefire agreement and then deal with other matters. 黎巴嫩总统拉赫德:国际社会目前该做的就是调停,让双方达成停火协议,再讨论后续。
- Agence France Presse reported that according to the newest edition's Russia and Georgia ceasefire agreement, European Union will dispatch the observer on October 1. 法新社报道,根据最新版本的俄格停火协议,欧盟将于10月1日派遣观察员。
- THE six-year-old ceasefire agreement between the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam had long been in tatters, as the two sides had already resumed their 25-year-old war. 长久以来,斯里兰卡政府和“泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织”之间6年的停火协议早已名存实亡,两边已经开始继续他们之间持续了25年的战争。
- But if it is determined to keep its forces in Georgia proper despite the ceasefire agreement brokered by France, Germany and America, it is hard to see what any outsider can do about it. 但是如果俄罗斯完全不顾由法德美三国斡旋签订的停火协议,执意决定不撤军,似乎局外人也不便插手其中。
- The Kokang militia is one of 17 ethnic armies that have signed ceasefire agreements with the government. 果敢武装组织是曾与缅甸政府达成停火协议的17支少数民族军队之一。
- The junta has at least succeeded in cobbling together ceasefire agreements with most of the two dozen armed insurgencies lining its borders. 军政府至少在迫使绝大多数的叛军达成停火协议方面是成功的,边界地区有数十个这样的武装。
- That country transgressed the ceasefire agreement 那个国家违反了停火协定。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Ceasefire Agreement for the Democratic Republic of the Congo 刚果民主共和国停火协定
- Ceasefire Agreement for the Democratic Republic of the Congo; 刚果民主共和国停火协定;