- I want to have a talk with Mr. Jones or Mr. Smith. 我想和琼斯先生或者史密斯先生谈谈。
- She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。
- There is a talk of mutiny among the sailors. 水手中有种哗变的传说。
- She gave a talk on her visit to China. 她就访华情况发表了非官方的讲话。
- I've been invited to give a talk at the conference. 我已受邀在大会上发言。
- Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon? 咱们今天下午是不是谈谈卸货港的问题?
- Mr.Victor came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week. 维克托先生上周来到了我们教室和我们谈话。
- I will go round to his office and have a talk to him. 我要到他的办事处去跟他谈一谈。
- One of the scheduled events is a talk on flower arranging. 安排的活动中有一项是插花艺术讲座。
- John and Jack had dropped behind in order to be alone and have a talk. 为了能单独在一起谈谈,约翰和杰克故意走在别人后面。
- He always gesticulated merrily when he had a talk. 他讲起话来总是手舞足蹈的。
- Everyone hopes that tomorrow's negations will cease a war. 每个人都希望明天的谈判可以停止一场战争。
- We must have a talk with respect to that point. 我们必须进行关于那一问题的商谈。
- She will give us a talk this evening. 今晚她要给我们做个报告。
- He often parenthesizes a talk with jokes. 他常常在交谈中插入几句玩笑话。
- I was wondering if I could have a talk with you. 我在想不知是否可以和你谈一谈。
- Yesterday they dropped in and had a talk with us. 昨天他们顺道来访,与我们聊天。
- I'd like to have a talk with you. 我想和你谈谈。
- John invited his friend over for a talk after work. 约翰请他的朋友下班后来谈谈。
- He offered to give a talk on his travels in India, but he got the bird. 他主动提出作一个关于他印度之行的报告,但被拒绝了。