- It was his misfortune to catch a crab in the last spurt. 他真倒霉,到了最后一刹那竟有一桨没划好。
- We came in third. That was because Burrell caught a crab right at the start. 我们得了第三名,都是因为伯勒尔在一开始时划错了一桨。
- We came in third. That was because Ivor caught a crab right at the start. 我们得了第三名,因为艾弗开始时插桨过深。
- Catching a crab is one of the worst things that can happen while rowing. 失桨是划船的时候最糟糕的事。
- he caught a crab and lost the race. 他造成偏航并失去比赛。
- I caught a whiff of perfume as she swept past me. 她从我身边走过时,我闻到一股香水味。
- A crab nipped my toe while I was paddling. 我 水时脚趾让螃蟹给夹了。
- The bird caught a bug on the fly. 那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。
- I caught a curious sound in the neighboring room. 我听到隔壁房间里有奇怪的响声。
- I just caught a sight of a bike flying by. 我只是看见一辆自行车飞快驶过。
- They caught a large turtle on the shore. 他们在海滩上捉到一只大海龟。
- He sat in a draught and catch a cold. 他坐在风口上,着凉了。
- A crab was left stranded on the beach when the tide ebbed. 退潮时,一只蟹被困留在沙滩上。
- I caught a flu and had to lie in the bed. 我得了流感,不得不卧床休息。
- The cat which caught a rat is ours. 捉到一只老鼠的猫是我们的。
- The fisherman had caught a whopper. 那个打鱼的捕到一条特大的鱼。
- I caught a momentary glimpse of them. 我瞥了他们一眼。
- A crab nipped my toe while I was swimming . 我游泳时,一只螃蟹钳住了我的脚指头。
- Big deal! I caught a fish twice that big last week. 了不得!上星期我钓到的鱼有那条的两倍大。
- A raccoon is many times as big as a crab. 浣熊要比螃蟹大上好几倍。