- categorized rubbish collection 垃圾分类收集
- Council rubbish collection day is Friday. 会收垃圾一天,是周五。
- One small project which has proved to be a success is a differentiated rubbish collection in the biosphere reserve. 小型计画的成功,是生物圈保护区的垃圾分类。
- Recently the streets have been cleaner and rubbish collection better, he concedes. 他承认最近这些街道更干净了,垃圾收集也更好了。
- The body of a newborn baby boy with his umbilical cord uncut was found dumped at a rubbish collection point at midnight on Sunday. 新闻报导,一名清洁工人工作时,发现一具连有脐带的初生男婴尸体遭弃置在垃圾收集站。
- From loud white cockatoos and council rubbish collection trucks to helicopters, construction and loud music, 2007 was a noisy year for NSW. 从每周清晨的垃圾车,天空不时出现的直升机,到深更半夜邻居家的音乐声,建筑工地的喧嚣,2007年受噪音困扰的新州居民向政府投诉的数目创新高。
- My street in Enfield, North London. The people, the traffic, the kids, the pot holes, the rain!! Monday is rubbish collection day. 我的街在伦敦北部的恩菲尔德。行人,交通,孩子们,坑洞,下雨!周一是垃圾收集日。
- And householders generally grumble a lot if they have to pay extra to have their rubbish collected. 假如居民们不得不支付额外费用用于垃圾收集,他们会抱怨很多。
- rubbish collection;a rubbish pail. 垃圾堆;垃圾桶
- The government also introduced a rubbish bag tax. If people want their rubbish collected, they must buy a yellow sticker and put it on their rubbish bag. 政府还发布了一项垃圾袋法律。如果人们希望他们的垃圾被收集,他们必须购买一个黄色的不干胶贴在他们的垃圾袋上。
- rubbish collection; a rubbish pail. 垃圾堆;垃圾桶
- The dustman comes once a week to collect the rubbish. 垃圾工每周来收一次垃圾。
- The rubbish from the cart emptied onto the street. 垃圾从大车上倾倒到街上。
- The sewer is choked up with rubbish. 下水道被垃圾堵住了。
- I want this rubbish cleared away pronto! 把这些垃圾立即给我弄走!
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- We burnt up all the garden rubbish. 我们将花园中的垃圾全部烧掉。
- Be sure to clear off the rubbish. 一定要清理垃圾。
- That new TV show is absolutely rubbish. 那个新的电视节目一点儿价值都没有。
- I must admit I am very fond of collect rare book. 我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。