- catchment area survey 汇水面积测量
- It has a total catchment area of 17 square kilometres. 屯门河集水区的总面积为17平方公里。
- The catchment area played a dominant role in determining surface runoff. 结果表明,汇水区面积对总产流起决定性作用。
- Mabira is also a vital water catchment area for the country's lakes and rivers. 马比拉也是国家湖泊河流重要的水源地。
- The evaluation of wastewater quality in the catchment area of Licunhe River shows that this method has clear physical meanings and fair judgements. 通过对李村河流域污水水质的判定,表明该方法物理意义清晰,结果客观公正。
- It has a catchment area of 1,809,000 square kilometers, and is the major inland-river transport artery in China. 流域面积180.;9万平方公里,是中国内河运输的大动脉。
- Ownership by the very local community, based in the school catchment area, is fundamental to the project. 当地社区拥有所有权并且位于学校的招生来源地对这个项目来说非常重要。
- In fact, most of the Country Parks areas are water catchment areas. 事实上,大部份的郊野公园地方均属于水塘集水区。
- There are obvious differences in feldspar content between the north and south sides of the catchment area. 汇水区南北的长石含量存在明显差异。
- Article 34 When a state-owned forestry enterprise or institution applies for the cutting license,it shall come up with a cutting area survey and design document. 第三十四条国有林业企业事业单位申请采伐许可证时,必须提出伐区调查设计文件。
- Article 34 When a state-owned forestry enterprise or institution applies for the cutting license, it shall come up with a cutting area survey and design document. 第三十四条 国有林业企业事业单位申请采伐许可证时,必须提出伐区调查设计文件。
- Around 30 villages in the Shing Mun catchment area had the public sewer extended to them under Stage I of the Tolo Harbour Sewerage Master Plan. 吐露港污水收集整体计划第一期工程的展开,城门集水区约有30个乡村已顺利接驳了公共污水渠。
- What better way to get in touch with Mother Nature than to hike through Bukit Timah Nature Reserve &the Central Catchment area? 有什么比穿越武吉知马自然保护区及中央集水区更能让你接近大自然?
- With economic development and population growth in Yellow River catchment area,water pollution has become more and more serious. 随着黄河流域经济的发展和人口的增加,黄河的水污染问题愈演愈烈。
- Climate is continental monsoon zone, the hydrological catchment area is poor, forest-steppe vegetation is a transition to the semi-arid type. 气候属大陆性季风区,水文属贫水区,植被属森林草原向半干旱过渡类型。
- Reduction of the catchment area could increase the sensitivity of other parameters, providing better condition for parameter calibration. 减小汇水区面积的不确定性可提高其他参数的灵敏度,有利于参数的有效识别。
- Residents of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Hainan should apply at the UK Visa Application Centres in the consular catchment area of the British Consulate-General in Guangzhou. 广东、广西、福建和海南的居民应到广州领区的英国签证申请中心递交申请。
- Residents of Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu should apply at the UK Visa Application Centres in the consular catchment area of the British Consulate-General in Shanghai. 上海、浙江和江苏的居民应去上海领区的英国签证申请中心递交申请。
- Means of egress the catchment area served by an aisle accessway or aisle is the portion of the total space that is naturally served by the aisle accessway of aisle. 用过道通道或过道做成的蓄水区是整个空间的一部分,这种情况下过道通道或过道是天然用作蓄水区的。
- The UK Visa Application Centres in the catchment area of the British Embassy in Beijing handle visa applications from people living in northern, central and western China. 北京的英国签证申请中心受理居住在华北、华中和华西的居民的申请。