- We can catch a glimpse of the downtown districts. 我们可以瞥见市区。
- The fans of the actress craned their necks to catch a glimpse of their idol. 那位女演员的崇拜者们伸长了脖子想看一看他们崇拜的偶像。
- I was hoping to catch a glimpse of the superstar. 我原想着能看上一眼那位超级巨星。
- To catch a glimpse of the new president. 几千名支持者尽力想看一眼新总统。
- And catch a glimpse of the local food culture. 了解当地食的文化。
- He crane his neck to get a glimpse of the parade. 他伸长脖子看了看游行的队伍。
- Alcock hunched forward to catch glimpses of the compass by the light of a flashlight. 阿尔科克猫着腰,借着手电的光亮,费力地看了看罗盘。
- I had a glimpse of his true intention. 我模模糊糊地知道他的意图。
- I could catch glimpses of my face, white and ghastly, distorted with pain, in the cabin mirror. 偶尔从船舱的镜子里瞥见自己的面孔,苍白而阴沉,痛苦得走了样。
- There he caught glimpses of young people working at the machine. 在那儿他瞥见一些年轻人在机器前干活。
- Several staff from the finance administration gathered outside the room she was in to catch glimpses of the star. 数名闻讯而来的财政部员工挤在会议室外"观星",林志玲也大方帮官员、粉丝们签名、合影。
- I caught a momentary glimpse of them. 我瞥了他们一眼。
- I only got a glimpse of the car. 我对那辆汽车只看了一眼。
- There was a glimpse of truth in what he said. 他的话中略微道出了一点事实真相。
- He craned his neck to get a glimpse of the parade. 他伸长脖子看了看游行的队伍。
- I only caught a glimpse of the car. 我对那辆汽车只看了一眼。
- I got only a fleeting glimpse of him. 我只是瞬间看到他一眼。
- He caught a glimpse of me when I passed by. 当我走过时,他瞥了我一眼。
- In the sea of grinning, unfamiliar faces he caught glimpses of friends. 在一大堆喜笑颜开的陌生的脸当中,他瞥见了一些老朋友。
- He strained his eyes to catch a glimpse of the President. 他竭尽目力想看总统一眼。