- catch birds with a net 张鸟
- He saw a man catching birds with a big net spread in a box-like and mumbling: "Come on, birds! 他看见一个人正在捕鸟。
- You can't catch them even with a net. 你就别想用渔网来捞它们。
- Australian bird with a tail like a pheasant. 尾巴象雉鸡的澳大利亚鸟。
- A net or lace with a simple pattern of squares. 网格状花边,方格网带有简单方格网眼图案的网或花边
- BIrd with a broken wing cannot fly as high. 一只长着破损翅膀的鸟儿并不能飞多高。
- The act or process of fishing with a net. 撒网用网捕鱼或撒网捕鱼的过程
- When can you get water with a net? 什么时候可以用网兜装水?
- She kept her hair in place with a net. 她头上络着一个发网。
- Rearing by imprinted birds with a certain amount of human contact. 通过保持一定量的人为接触去饲养带铭印的鸟。
- It usually kills the bird with a single quick blow of its talons. 通常它只需用鹰爪快速一击就能击毙被追猎的鸟。
- One day a squawky Bird with a broken wing arrives in the yard. 一天,一只断了翅膀的苍鹭来到了院子里。
- The Firebird is a lengendary bird with a brightly glowing plumage. 火鸟是一种传奇中的鸟,翅膀能放出耀眼的火光。
- The white swan is a large graceful bird with a long thin neck. 白天鹅有细长的脖子是一种优雅的鸟。
- It is an unusual bird with a striking crest on its head. 它是只不同寻常的鸟,头上长着奇特的羽冠。
- To cover, protect, or surround with or as if with a net. 以网保护用或象用网盖住、保护或包围
- Receives a tail with a net friend's manner: “evades black! 原定20日零点“黑屏”的时间推到了21日,有网友在等待同时,用图片恶搞整场“黑屏”事件。
- Australian and southeastern Asian birds with a melodious whistling call. 澳大利亚和亚洲东南部能发出啭鸣高音的鸟类。
- You cannot catch old Birds with chaff. 你无法用谷壳捕到老鸟(姜是老的辣)。
- Enjoy talking with a girl while studying is just kill two birds with one stone. 泡妞和学习,一箭双雕。