- He snapped at an opportunity to go abroad. 告诉他抽烟的害处是没有用的,因为他们将把忠告当作耳边风。
- The call came at an opportune moment for me. 这个电话对我来说来得正是时候。
- A key resource to be used at an opportune moment. 王牌适当时刻所用的关键手段
- Occurring at an opportune time;providential. 天赐的,最合适宜的在合适的时间发生的;天赐的
- Occurring at an opportune time; providential. 天赐的,最合适宜的在合适的时间发生的;天赐的
- He will catch at any opportunity to practise English. 他设法抓住一切机会来练英语。
- The tumor in his prostate gland was caught at an early and very likely curable stage. 由于他的前列腺肿瘤是在早期被发现的,处在很有可能治愈阶段。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- A businessman will catch at any opportunity of making a profit. 一个生意人会抓住任何机会赚钱。
- A drowning man will catch at a straw. [谚]人快淹死时,稻草也要抓。
- They were glad when they heard this, and promised to give him money. And he began seeking how to betray Him at an opportune time. 他们听见就欢喜、又应许给他银子.他就寻思如何得便、把耶稣交给他们。
- Soon he have an opportunity of explain that to her. 不久他便有了向她解释那件事的机会。
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- You should never let an opportunity pass by. 你不应该错过任何机会。
- The child is at an impressionable age. 这孩子正处于易受影响的年龄。
- The caravan stopped for the night at an oasis. 旅行队在沙漠中的绿洲停下来过夜。
- He never lets an opportunity slip; he's always on the mark. 他总是当机立断,决不错过机会。
- Have an opportunity for doing sth. 有[没有,很少有,有不多的]做某事的机会
- She was widowed at an early age. 她年轻时就成了寡妇。
- An opportunity for selling or being sold; demand. 销路卖的或被出售的机会; 需要