- An unknown catastrophic failure occurred. 发生未知的灾难性失败。
- Two airframe parachutes can be deployed in the event of the vehicle's catastrophic failure. 如果发生灾难性故障,可以使用2顶机体降落伞。
- Attempts to repair these leaks may result in catastrophic failure of the package. 试图修理这些泄露会导致包装的灾难性故障。
- A bug check is the internal name for a catastrophic failure for which a system shutdown is the only cure. 一个错误检查是对于一个灾难性的错误的内部名称,对于这种情况一个系统关闭是唯一的挽救(方法)。
- This simple turn-taking is what naiad dyads lack, and it leads to catastrophic failure. 这种简单的轮流正是”二元体“所缺乏的;它将导致巨大失败。
- This enables the pilot to be saved from a catastrophic failure down to a reasonably low altitude. 这使试点保存从一个灾难性的失败归结为一个合理的低空飞行。
- However, there is no way to know whether the node will respond in another millisecond, or if it suffered a catastrophic failure. 但是,无法知道节点是否将在另一个毫秒内做出响应,或者它是否遇到了灾难性的失败。
- My main problem with this sort of advice is just that the softly-softly approach has been a catastrophic failure for gerontology for 50 years. 我受到此类忠告的主要问题仅仅是:谨慎途经对于老年学家曾经是50年的灾难性失败。
- Four primary failure modes observed in the tests are frond fracture,local buckling,fragmental failure and catastrophic failure. 在纤维体积分数相同的情况下,随着编织层数的增加和编织角的减小,圆管的吸能能力有所提高。
- All spacecraft in low orbit are subjected to hypervelocity impacts by meteoroids and space debris,which can lead to significant damage and catastrophic failure. 低地球轨道上的航天器易受到微流星体及空间碎片的超高速撞击,导致其严重的损伤甚至灾难性的失效。
- All spacecrafts in low orbit are subject to hypervelocity impacts of meteoroids and space debris,which can in turn lead to its significant damage and catastrophic failure. 低地球轨道上的航天器易受到微流星体及空间碎片的超高速撞击,导致其严重的损伤甚至灾难性的失效。
- Although people generally acknowledge the Bhopal disaster as a catastrophic failure of many parties, such as Union Carbide and the Indian government, the enormous damage of the manslaughter in the mines has yet to receive the attention it deserves. 我们通常认为波帕事件是很多相关人物的灾难性失败,如美国联碳公司和印度当地政府,而发生的大量矿井工作丧生的事件更应该引起应的关注。
- Most media present mesoscopic heterogeneity.The scattering of mesoscopic properties plays a significant role in macroscopic mechanical properties, espesically in catastrophic failure. 细观分散性是大量材料的一种内在属性,对材料的宏观力学性质和灾变破坏有实质性的影响。
- To ensure the safety of structure and prevent it from catastrophic failure, it is highly desirable to seek a reliable non-destructive inspection (NDI) for detecting the defects in structure. 为确保结构体安全性防止意外发生,一个可靠、非破坏性的缺陷检测技术非常重要。
- From catastrophic failures to engineering breakthroughs, Bridges closes the gap on what you thought you knew about these engineering marvels. 最后,又会访问一下替大桥工作的工作人员,他们经常走到桥上进行维修工作,令人看得心寒。
- It addresses disconnection(including disconnection that represents catastrophic failures) and migration and enforces atomicity and isolation criteria of the global transaction. 它支持全局事务的迁移、网络的断接(包括可能发生的灾难性断接)并保证全局事务的关键站点子事务的原子性和隔离性。
- High-speed spindle is notorious for its sudden catastrophic failures even without alarming signs at high speed due to thermal problems. 高速电主轴在高速下会因热的原因而在瞬间出现故障,甚至连警报信号都来不及发出。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- Predictive maintenance for T&D assets can also protect assets and reduce catastrophic failures that can potentially bring down large sections of the electric grid. 对输配电资产来说,预见性维护也可以保护资产,并减少可能造成大面积电网崩溃的灾难性故障。