- casual and premarital sex 乱交与婚前性关系
- Only 48.4% students disapproved premarital sex. 48.;4%25的人明确表示反对婚前性行为。
- They prefer to be casual and more informal. 他们更崇尚随意和不拘小节;
- He alternates between casual and elegant attire. 他在便装和套装中做出选择。
- He did not agree with his mother's views on premarital sex. 他不同意母亲关于婚前性行为问题的观点。
- Casual and athletic merge in the Faze. 休闲和运动结合的款式;
- "And the majority were having premarital sex, over 50 percent," says Rosenbaum. “他们中的大多数;超过50%25有过婚前性行为.
- B: Yes. I need a belt that is kind of casual and kind of dressy. 是的。我需要一条腰带,不要太随意也不要太正式。
- Yes. I need a belt that is kind of casual and kind of dressy. 是的。我需要一条腰带,不要太随意也不要太正式。
- The P.R. executives usually dress quite casual and wear no makeup. 电影公司公关穿的衣服通常很随便,不会化妆。
- Sex is a basic human desire, in some cases, some people will always stand up to temptation and premarital and extramarital sex and homosexuality. 性欲是人的基本欲望,在某些情况下总会有些人经不住引诱而发生婚前、婚外性行为和同性恋行为。
- Act too casual and people may not take you seriously. 表现得太过随便,人们又可能不认真对待你。
- Sexuality is a basic human desire, in some cases some people will always succumb to temptation and premarital, extramarital sex and homosexual acts. 性欲是人的基本欲望,在某些情况下总会有些人经不住引诱而发生婚前、婚外性行为和同性恋行为。
- This is a very casual and common way to greet someone. 这是非常随意且十分常见的问候他人的方式。
- At that time, abortion, divorce, premarital sex, and drug trafficking were listed as serious sins. 那时,流产、离婚、婚前性行为、贩卖毒品等都被列为重罪。
- While12.8 percent said premarital sex was immoral, they also said it was understandable. 的人认为婚前性行为不道德,但可以理解。
- The study revealed that 69 percent of college students thought that premarital cohabitation or premarital sex was acceptable. 研究显示百分之六十九的大学生认为婚前同居或婚前性行为是可以接受的。
- Couples who engage in premarital sex are more likely to break up before marriage than those who do not. 同婚前不发生性关系的未婚夫妻相比,婚前就有性行为的未婚男女更有可能在婚前分手。
- The style is casual and tries to give a pencil and watercolor effect. 手绘的风格很随意,希望能达到铅笔水彩画的效果。
- The study found women virtually as likely as men to engage in premarital sex, even those born decades ago. 调查发现,女性其实跟男性一样有婚前性行为,几十年前出生的女性也不例外。