- cast their gorge atvt. 厌弃(唾弃)
- She cast the gorge at the sight. 她一看到那情景就恶心。
- It is uncommon for healthy animals to cast their young. 健康的小动物小产是不寻常的事。
- The trees in the orchard cast their blossoms after the storm. 暴风雨後果园里树上的花掉落了。
- They cast their plan in great detail. 他们非常具体地制订了计划。
- The level gorge at Clear Springs attracts many campers. 清泉平坦的溪谷石滩,吸引了许多人来此露营野炊。
- The willow trees cast their shadows all around. 柳荫匝地。
- Coming events cast their shadows before them. [谚]事发之前必有征兆。
- heave their gorge atvt. 见到就作呕(厌弃;唾弃)
- Serpents cast their skin once a year. 蛇每年蜕一次皮。
- The fishermen cast their nets into the sea. 渔民们将网撒入海中。
- Coming events cast their shadows before. 无风不起浪。
- Many senators cast their votes against the new tax law. 许多参议员都投票反对新税法。
- In the past 10 years, Weingarten cast their stable quality, good reputation and advanced management and famous at home and abroad cast in the sector. 凯腾精铸是引进国内外先进硅溶胶制壳工艺,硅溶胶复合工艺,用熔模铸造方法生产精密铸件的企业主之一。
- Let us break apart their bonds And cast their ropes away from us. 说,我们要挣开他们的捆绑,摆脱他们的绳索。
- The tree in the orchard cast their blossom after the storm. 暴风雨后果园里树上的花掉落了。
- Floridians can cast their ballots at any point during that time, but they are not counted until the rest of the nation votes November 2. 在我们的国家面临重大威胁、整个世界面临重大挑战之际,全军统帅必须坚持原则,而不能因为政治利益随意摇摆。”
- What percentage of eligible voters cast their ballots? 有资格的选民中投票的百分比是多少?
- That early autumn evening, leaves ruffled by a fitful breeze cast their shadows in the starlight. Xiangzi looked up at the Milky Way so far above and sighed. 初秋的夜晚,星光叶影里阵阵的小风,祥子抬起头,看着高远的天河,叹了口气。
- Inspiration comes from the gorge at natural, sand blown by wind, woods, rock and hollowness to wait, if flax is lubricious. 3. 灵感来自于自然、风沙、树林、岩石以及空旷的峡谷等,如亚麻色。