- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- Trip up at once, pull the bit into the casing. 立即起钻,将钻头提到套管内。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。
- Pull the cord in case of emergency. 发生紧急状况时,拉下翼弦。
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。
- The judge summed up the case for the jury. 法官向陪审团概述案情。
- I will reveal your secret in no case. 我决不会泄漏你的秘密。
- We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。
- Your case is coming up for review in May. 你的事情将在五月再研究。
- He showed us four case studies of disturbed girls. 他给我们看了4位精神失常姑娘的病历。
- She thought she was hurt but it wasn't the case. 她认为她受伤了,但事实上并非如此。
- Just give us the bare facts of the case. 你只要向我们提供案件最低限度的事实真相就行。
- The boxer was still suffering case of rabbit ears. 拳击手仍然还有对观众反应过分敏感的毛病。
- The case is listed to be heard next week. 该案已被列出供下周审理。
- In such a case a little goes a long way. 这种情况下,一点点也有很大作用。
- It is often the case that haste makes waste. 忙中有错是很常见的。
- In no case have I noticed that he left early. 我根本没有注意到他早退了。
- I humped the heavy case upstairs. 我把那个沉重的箱子背到楼上。
- Be careful not to misstate your case. 小心别把你的情况讲错了。