- The truth of the case of murder has recently come to light. 近来这件谋杀案的真相已为众人所知。
- The evidence all adds up to a case of murder. 所有证据都说明这是一起谋杀案。
- This is the chief criminal of the case of murder. 这是凶杀案的罪魁祸首。
- It all boils down to a clear case of murder. 凡此种种清楚地表明那是一件谋杀案。
- The police are fastening their attention on this case of murder. 警方正把注意力集中在这桩谋杀案上。
- I think there's hardly a doubt that this is a case of murder. 我认为毫无疑问,这是一件谋杀案。
- In a case of murder,the police question everyone who might have a motive. 在谋杀案件中,警察盘问每一个可能有这一动机的人。
- In a case of murder, the police question everyone who might have a motive. 在谋杀案件中,警察盘问每一个可能有这一动机的人。
- In a case of murder, the police questioned everyone who might have a motive. 在谋杀案里,警察审问了每一个可能有谋杀动机的人。
- She is under suspicion of murder. 她有犯谋杀罪的嫌疑。
- The man was proved guilty of murder. 这个男子被证实犯了杀人罪。
- I'll be on the bench for a case of murder tomorrow morning, I'm afraid I have no time to meet you for lunch. 明天上午我要审理一桩谋杀案,恐怕不能和你共进午餐了。
- The law arrived on the scene of murder. 警察来到谋杀现场。
- The criminal was convicted of murder. 歹徒被判谋杀罪。
- The man appeared before the judge on a charge of murder. 那个人就被控谋杀一案到庭接受法官讯问。
- If he's found guilty of murder, he will certainly swing for it. 如果他被判谋杀罪,就会上绞刑架的。
- This is a case of murder. 这是一起凶杀案。
- The boxer was still suffering case of rabbit ears. 拳击手仍然还有对观众反应过分敏感的毛病。
- A clear case of murder. 一桩清楚的谋杀案。
- I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。