- He had began his motion-picture career as a writer. 他加入电影界时,是写剧本的。
- This novel is the crowning achievement of his career as a writer. 这部小说是他在当作家的生涯里是至高无上的成就。
- David Michael Wieger's career as a writer spans a wide range of media. 像一位作家的大卫麦克维格的事业跨越广泛的媒体。
- He was head of Paramount Studios in Hollywood but he had begun his motion-picture career as a writer. 他是好莱坞派拉蒙电影制作公司的负责人,但他当初是以一位作家的身份初涉影艺圈的。
- There he started his career as a writer by publishing poems and essays in literary journals. 通过在文学期刊上发表诗和散文,在那里他开始了作为作家的职业生涯。
- He is not so much a writer as a scholar. 与其说他是作家倒不如说他是学者。
- The following year was filled with challenge but also tension, and Koontz was more highly motivated than ever to build a career as a writer. 如此的安心感正是封杀欲望的罪魁祸首。或许是每天都是简单地重复,会觉得腻味了。”
- Success as a writer demands great application. 要成为作家就得狠下功夫。
- His love of language inclined him towards a career as a translator. 他对语言的热爱促使他从事翻译工作。
- I think that, as a writer, he is second to none. 我认为,作为一个作家,他是最好的。
- His second novel established his fame as a writer. 他的第二部小说确立了他作家之名。
- By no stretch of the imagination can I see Owen as a writer. 我无论如何想象不出欧文会成为一个作家。
- Ever since Mary Ann Evans began her career as a writer under the male pseudonym "George Eliot", there has been an incessant argument about the writer George Eliot, her viewpoint and the themes of her works. 自玛丽·安·伊万斯用“乔治·爱略特”这个男性化笔名开始创作以来,人们对她本人,她的观点以及作品的主题都一直争论不休。
- As a writer she is on a par with the great novelist. 她是与伟大小说家齐名的作家。
- As a writer she was on a par with the great novelists. 她是与伟大小说家齐名的作家。
- He commenced his literary career as a novel-writer. 他作为一个小说作家开始了他的文学生涯。
- She began her career as a nurse. 她以护士工作开始她的职业生涯。
- His love of languages inclined him towards a career as a translator. 他对语言的热爱促使他从事翻译工作。
- He started his official career as a diplomat. 他从当外交官起开始了他的从政生涯。
- What made you decide on a career as a vet? 是什么驱使你选择兽医这门职业的?