- card program computer 卡片程序式计算机
- card programmed computer 穿孔卡片程序控制计算机
- A card program offering higher credit lines and expanded services. Qualifications for cardholder applicants are generally more stringent than for the standard card. 提供更高的信用额度和拓展服务的银行卡项目。申请人资格总体上来说比标准卡更严格。
- So what if I know how to program computers using just one finger? 假如我知道要怎麽只用一根手指头来写电脑程式呢?
- Accidental opportunity when the middle school, zheng Nayan is attended by choose the program computer contest that Guangdong saves, achievement is complete province the 3rd. 中学时一次偶然的机会,郑南雁被选拔参加广东省的程序计算机竞赛,成绩是全省第三。
- Question:As a non immigration country,it is quite unusual for Germany to offer foreign experts this opportunity for an overseas working experience.And the rules concerning Green Card program have come into effect,but for what reasons? 问:德国是个非移民国家,所以它向外国专家提供海外工作机会是很不寻常的,而且有关绿卡计划的法规已生效。这是出于何原因呢?
- The UNICEF greeting card program has a 50 year history which began when a seven-year old girl in the former Czechoslovakia gave her drawing to UNICEF to say "thank you" for the help she received. 联合国儿童基金会的贺卡销售活动已有50年历史,源自于一位7岁的前捷克斯洛伐克小女孩为表达她的谢意而为联合国儿童基金会绘制的图画。
- Computer technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data in machine-readable files, and to program computers to locate specific information. 计算机技术使人们可以把大量的数据储存到机读文件里,还能通过计算机编程找到某一信息。
- A kind of computer control system with programmable computer controller was established on the basis of control technique. 论述了一种应用可编程计算机控制器技术的卷绕机控制系统结构及其设计方法。
- An Interview on Green Card Program 就德国绿卡计划的采访
- The design by using programmable computer techology to achieve the automatic control of pneumatic conveying of polyamide chipsand nitrogen recycling is introduced. 简要介绍了利用可编程控制器计算机技术,实现锦纶切片气力输送及氮气回收的自动控制。
- This program computes weekly payroll, current earnings, year to date earnings FICA tax, federal Income Tax Withheld, and check Amount. 计税程序。可以计算每周收入、最近收入、从年初到目前的所得税、扣除的联邦收入税以及帐目检查等。
- In order to improve the reliability of excitation control system,this paper presents Programmable Computer Controller(PCC) which is better than conventional PLC. 为了提高励磁控制系统的可靠性,介绍一种比常规可编程控制器PLC更高级的可编程计算机控制器PCC,并详细阐述了PCC在发电机的励磁控制系统中的应用方法。
- Do you know how to program a computer? 你知道怎样为电脑设计程式吗?
- The languages used to program computers must have simple logical structures, and the rules for their grammar, spelling, and punctuation must be precise. 用于计算编程的语言必须具有简单的逻辑结构,而且它们的语法、写和标点符号的规则必须精确。
- The paper introduce programmable computer controller to elevator control, apply PCC to 12 floor full sets selection elevator, design the system of hardware and software, adopt modularization program frame, and illustrate the drive circuits detailedly. 摘要采用可编程计算机控制器作为电梯的控制系统,应用于对12层全集选电梯的控制,完成了此系统的软件和硬件设计,软件设计采用模块化程序结构,并对硬件电路进行了详细地描述。
- The coach saved his star player for a trump card. 教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌。
- The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program. 计算机的反馈能使我们更新程序。
- Have it charged to my credit card. 把它记在我的信用卡的帐号里。
- In this paper the principles of programming computer communication are analyzed, the solutions of writing TCP/IP network communication program using Microsoft Foundation Classes(MFC) socket classes: CAsyncSocket and CSocket is put forword. 分析了利用 Windows Sockets进行网络通信程序的基本原理,给出了利用 MFC的套接字类 CAsyncSocket,CSocket编写 TCP/IP网络通信程序步骤和方法。