- Second-generation ID card design mistakes? 第二代身份证设计失误?
- Control card design protects the setting and avoids change by mistake. 控制咭设计保护设定的温度值,防止误改。
- Large and small card design has its reason, King (now Commander) represents the sun, the moon represents Wang. 大、小王牌的设计也有其道理,大王(正司令)代表着太阳,小王代表着月亮。
- The low power 9800 GT also targets this price point, with NVIDIA's reference card design consuming 75W. 低功耗版9800GT同样售价也在99美元左右,Nvidia为此提供的公版卡功耗为75W.
- This book introduces the world's newest card design and various functions, design work both functional and fashion. 本书介绍了世界上最新的名片设计和各种功能卡片,作品即实用又时尚。
- Besides, we provide various services such as invitation card design, car rental, MC and special effects (bubble machine, confetti machine and stage lighting effect etc. 另外,我们设有囍帖设计,花车租贷、特别效果(如泡泡机,电动彩炮及灯光效果等)及司仪服务。
- Market SB/sth fast, you can change the small offsctdruckereien of operation to meet the customer's business card printing and membership card design time requirements. 市场反应灵敏快速,可以改变小胶印的繁琐操作,适应客户对制卡和会员卡制作文件的时间要求。
- In the modern business card design, with its developed professional conventions, one can yet detect the two conflicting approaches, the fanciful and the functional one. 在现代名片设计中,随着其事业协定的进展,大部分人仍然没去外国疑问察觉到互相矛盾的两个方面:装饰性与功能性。
- As far as possible and consistent color swatch, if it can't have hard in business card printing and membership card design guarantee stable seeastigmatism. 只管即便和色样保留分歧,如果这一盖都把不住的话很难在制卡和会员卡制息历程洋包管色差安定分歧。
- Later, as the growing demand for the cards boosted the development of the printing industry, moremore sophisticated card design patterns appeared. 后来,随着名片需求的增加,印刷工业的发展得到推进,出现了越来越多的卡片设计图案。
- The seihan area to the ink to overprint and the situation in the effect of platemaking staff provided to seihan to avoid creating business card printing and membership card design problems. 有关制版方背感化到油不朱叠印成果的环境答在制版后提不求给制版职员,以免变成制卡和会员卡制作历程洋呈现题目。
- This cash card is a debit card designed to provide flexibility when making purchases. 这张现金卡是借记卡,能使购物更加灵活方便。
- The company in charge of advertising etiquette in the planning, production. Outdoor advertising design, production. Corporate image design, AI | CI, enterprise LOGO design, business card design. 公司主要负责广告礼仪的策划;制作.;大型户外广告的设计;制作
- Secure Digital Memory Card. A flash based memory card designed to provide secure high capacity data storage. 安全电子存储卡。一种基于为提供安全的大容量数据存储功能而设计的闪存。
- This minimizes the amount of downtime but at the same time forces card designers to employ ''Hot-Swap'' techniques. 这尽可能地缩短了停机时间,同时也强制使得卡设计商必须采用“热交换”技术。
- Later, as the growing demand for the cards boosted the development of the printing industry, abundance and abundance sophisticated card design patterns appeare notd. 后来,随着名片需求的渐增,印刷工业的进展得到推进,呈现了愈来愈多复杂的卡片设计图案。
- Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses. 设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。
- Visa Buxx - http://www.visabuxx.com/ Offers a reloadable shopping card designed for parents to help teens budget wisely. 我们对党员、干部进行道德教育,在提出党性要求的同时,不能忽视良心引导的作用,要使广大党员以最纯洁的良心支配自己的道德行为,在群众中树立起既高大,又亲近的道德榜样。
- The Ampersand Studio - Greeting card designers, specialising in 3d cards. Product listings with photographs and contact details. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The contact potential or thermoelectric offset voltage is the key specification of a switch card designed for low voltage switching. 接触电势或热电效应偏移电压是设计用于低压切换的开关卡的关键技术指标。