- Gillard said she hoped she would inspire young Auto electric name card cutter to believe anything was possible. 吉拉德说,她希望能激励澳大利亚的年轻女性相信一切皆有可能。
- From business card cutters to binding machines and color copiers, they are investing in the tools to make their own marketing tools to save money by creating their own marking pieces in-house. 我公司的所有市场开拓均由我自己完成,很多人都好奇我是如何搞定这些洋人客户的。
- The coach saved his star player for a trump card. 教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌。
- Have it charged to my credit card. 把它记在我的信用卡的帐号里。
- The coastguard cutter cruise along the coast look for smuggler. 海岸警卫队缉私艇沿海巡逻搜寻走私犯。
- The police asked him to show his identity card. 警察让他出示身份证。
- She sent me a Christmas card last year. 去年寄过一张圣诞卡。
- He fanned out the card in his hand. 他把牌在手上展成扇形。
- Place your card face up on the table, please. 请把你的牌面朝上摊在桌子上。
- The shrill ringing of a bell broke up the card game on the cutter. 刺耳的铃声打散了小汽艇的牌局。
- A post card and three eight- cent stamp, please. 请给我买一张明信片和三张8分邮票。
- It looks as if Frank's holding all the high card. 看起来弗兰克好像掌握全部大牌。
- Play the highest card in your longest suit. 打你手中最长套的大牌。
- Can I pay by check or credit card? 我能用支票或信用卡吗?
- Now it's time that you played your trump card. 现在是你摊王牌的时候了。
- They are bailing out the cutter. 他们正在把小艇里的水往外舀。
- No one understood how I did the card trick. 谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的。
- I just want to talk to him. Here is my card. 我只是想跟他谈谈。这是我的名片。
- Can I charge it on my visa card? 我可以有VISA卡付款吗?
- The cutter was bearing down the channel at 12knots. 快艇以每小时12海里的速度从向风的一侧驶近海峡。