- In carbon manganese clean steel,the behaviors of La and Ce on grain boundaries were investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM),SEM,EDS and XRD analysis. 应用高分辨TEM,SEM和XRD研究碳锰洁净钢中镧和铈的存在形式、分布以及在晶界的行为。
- Periodic banding phenomena in carbon manganese steels with three different composition levels of Mn and four different levels of carbon have been studied by SEM and microprobe analysis. 用扫描电镜和电子探针研究了低碳锰钢中的周期性带状组织。
- A mixture of black manganese oxide minerals. 硬锰矿一种黑色氧化锰矿的混合物
- The Application of the Sub-temperature Quenching for the Large Carbon Steel and Carbon Manganese Steel Forgings 亚温淬火在碳钢、碳锰钢大锻件中的应用
- Behavior of Lanthanum and Cerium on Grain Boundaries in Carbon Manganese Clean Steel 碳锰洁净钢中镧和铈在晶界的行为
- I make a carbon copy of my documents. 我用复写纸复写文件。
- Soft drinks contain carbon dioxide. 软饮料中含有二氧化碳。
- I have some carbon paper somewhere or other. 我记得我在什么地方放有复写纸。
- Study on a low carbon manganese (niobium) steel by controlled rolling and controlled cooling process 低碳锰(铌)钢控轧控冷实验研究
- Keywords banding;microsegregation;carbon / manganese ratio;carbon manganese steel; 周期性带状组织;显微偏析;碳锰比;低锰碳钢;
- She's a carbon copy of her sister. 她跟她姐姐一模一样。
- A copy made by using carbon paper. 复写本,副本用复写纸复印的一份
- Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. 植物可以吸收二氧化碳释放氧气。
- A black mineral consists of basic manganese oxide. 一种黑色矿物,由基性氧化锰组成。
- You receive the top copy of the receipt, and we keep the carbon. 你把这收据上面的原件收下,我们保留下面的复写件。
- A Novel TiO2-pillared Microporous Manganese Oxide. 刘宗怀; 唐秀花; 张成孝; 周 青.
- The stick of carbon is often used in an electric arc lamp. 碳精棒常用于电弧灯。
- I have Manganese Ore 42% up Mn. Below 40% rej. 中国铁合金在线英文网信息:外商出售锰矿,
- Deposit on manganese steel possible. 可以堆焊在锰钢上。
- Having a ring composed exclusively of carbon atoms, as benzene. 碳环的有一个仅由碳原子组成的环的,如苯