- Dad step on the gas and the car speed up to150 kph. 爸一踩油门,车速冲到每小时一百五十公里。
- Dad step on the gas and the car speed up to 150 kph. 爸一踩油门,车速冲到每小时一百五十公里。
- Their car speed was reduced by half when they entered the town. 进城镇后,他们把车速减了一半。
- The car sped directly to the village. 汽车一直地疾驶进入村子里。
- Their car speeded up when it reached the country. 来到农村地区后他们的车就加快了速度。
- This system starts working whe n the car speed exceeds a preset speed. 该系统在车速超过了某一预定值时便启动。
- The car sped up and overtook the truck. 那辆小车突然加速,超过了卡车。
- The car speeded past us at 80m.p.h. 该车以每小时80公里的速度从我们身边开了过去。
- The car sped along the road towards the village. 汽车沿公路朝那座村庄疾驰而去。
- A market police car sped past just now. 刚才一辆有标记的警车急驶而过。
- The car speeded up to hundred kilometers per hour. 汽车加速到每小时100千米。
- The car speeded past us at 8 0 m.p.h . 该车以每小时80公里的速度从我们身边开了过去。
- The car speeded past us at 8 0 m.p.h. 该车以每小时80公里的速度从我们身边开了过去。
- A car sped past, raising a cloud of dust. 汽车飞驰而过, 卷起一阵尘土。
- The car sped by towards the square. 汽车奔广场驶去。
- The car speeded up when it reached the country. 到达乡下后.;汽车开始加速行驶
- The sign of the car speed limit and forbid whistle, and install decelerate belt. 园区内车辆限速及禁止鸣笛标志、减速带安装。
- As the car accelerates, the pulleys vary their diameter to lower the engine speed as car speed rises. 当汽车加速时,滑轮改变直径,以便在汽车速度提升时降低发动机速度。
- The car sped up to Ninth Avenue and turned downtown. 汽车向第九路飞驰,然后又转向闹市区。
- The police car sped away, but failed to locate Georgos. 警车飞驶而去,但未能找着乔戈斯的下落。