- They are planning to build a car plant near the river. 他们计划在河边建一个汽车厂。
- The car plant is designed to have a capacity of 250,000 vehicles a year. 该汽车制造厂预计最高年产量为250,000辆。
- SPassat 1.8 Went off line and Car Plant III was completed for production. August, November. 上海大众帕萨特轿车1.;8下线。上海大众汽车有限公司汽车三厂全面建成投产。
- Company-owned car plant is the cradle of China's car industry, "Red Flag" sedan is the first Chinese car brand. 公司所属轿车分厂是中国轿车工业的摇篮,“红旗”轿车是中国轿车第一品牌。
- But these employees, at the Peugeot car plant in Poissy, just west of Paris, will not be returning to work the next day. 可是这些工人下周一却不用回来工作:他们来自巴黎西郊的普瓦西,是标志汽车厂的员工。
- As an expert, provide some proposals to help customers in new projects planning and retrofits (car plant: Press shop, Body Shop, Paint Shop, Final Assembly). 作为一名专家,对客户新项目计划和改造(汽车厂:冲挤车间、车身车间、油漆车间、以及总装车间)提供建议和帮助,包括汽车部门的技术转移,市场调研,协调和组织内部资源。
- Since recessions mean mothballed car plants, older cars and quieter roads, we may have the opportunity to relive this age for real. 由于经济衰退意味着汽车工厂的歇业,更陈旧的车辆和更加安静的道路,我们或许有机会真正地重新体验这个时代。
- After an university doctor that just society drives sees this catchphrase, the tune on the horse opens car plant, he asks a manager seriously: "You this kind of car can swim, be amphibian? 一位刚学会开车的大学博士看到这条标语后,马上调头开到汽车厂,他认真地问经理:“你们这种车会不会游泳,是不是水陆两用的?”
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 别从那无赖手里买旧车。
- Braking is handled by big Brembo calipers, and 17in alloy wheels wrapped in 215-section-width rubber keep the car planted to the road. 制动是由大伦博卡钳和17英寸合金轮毂包215节宽度保持汽车橡胶种植的道路。
- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽车扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出来。
- another stoppage at the car plant 汽车厂的又一次罢工.
- The motor car disappeared in eddy of dust. 汽车在一片扬尘的涡流中不见了。
- The man jacked up his car to fix a flat tire. 那人用千斤顶把他的汽车顶起以修理漏气的轮胎。
- The police hustled the tramps into the patrol car. 警察将那些流浪者强行推入巡逻车中。
- A stone hit the car and damaged the paintwork. 有个石子击到汽车上,打坏了漆面。
- The car used a gallon of petrol for the journey. 汽车在路上消耗了一加仑汽油。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
- It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五个人坐在那个小车子里真是太挤了。
- It's quite clear that the electric car is technically feasible. 电动汽车明显在工艺技术上是可行的。