- caput obliquum musculi adductoris hallucis [医] ы收肌斜头
- caput obliquum musculi adductoris pollicis [医] 拇收肌斜头
- caput obliquum [医] 斜头
- He appropriates all the profit and leaves the caput mortuum behind. 他把全部好处占为已有,而把无用的东西留给他人。
- Or a full-time teaching post in a government, Caput, Direct Subsidy Scheme or private school. 或受聘于官立、按位资助、直接资助或私立学校全职教席的教师。
- Iniquitates meae supergressae caput meum, obvolunt me; et sicut onus grave, grvant me. 我的不义冲上我的头,压抑着我,负重般将我压弯。
- Results Twenty-one infants were all cured,without caput femoris necrosis and lameness. 结果21例全部治愈,无股骨头坏死,无跛行。
- These maturation changes still occur even when spermatozoa are confined to caput epididymidis by ligatures. 用结扎的方法将精子限制在附睾头内,这些成熟变化仍可能发生。
- Or a full-time teaching post in a government, Caput, Direct Subsidy Scheme or private school . 或受聘于官立、按位资助、直接资助或私立学校全职教席的教师。
- This paper describes a method of resolution for a caput ossis femoris in non-CT locating in robot total knee replacement operation. 介绍用于机器人全膝关节置换术的无CT定位方法中股骨头中心坐标的求解方法。
- Methods:ICSI and SUZI were employed to obtain the assisted fertilization of mouse sperm from caput epididymidis and cauda epididymidis. 方法:用显微注射法把小鼠附睾头和附睾尾精子注入卵母细胞的胞质内或卵周隙进行显微受精。
- Whereas 25 oocytes survied the intracytoplasmic injection of single caput epididymal sperm,9 of which fertilized and cleaved to 2-cell stage. 将单个附睾头精子注入卵母细胞中,有25个存活,其中9个受精发育为2-细胞期胚胎;
- There were 12 lesions, including 4 acetabula,1 ramus,2 proximal ends of tibia,3 talus,1 collu m scapulae,and 1 caput ossis femoris. 12例病变部位为髋臼附近 4例 ,胫骨上端 2例 ,距骨 3例 ,内踝、肩胛盂和股骨头各 1例。
- Jason: You know with the whole thing with the credit cards caput, you would really help me out if you could, you know,? You know what I'm saying? 杰森:你知道我们的信用卡全作废了,你真是帮了一个大忙了,如果你能,你懂我意思吗?
- The Caput ensemble (nine brass musicians, two organists, and a bassist along with various bells and electronics) performs the work. 领奏团(九个黄铜管弦乐手,两个风琴手,一个低音乐手以及各种打击乐手和电音手)来完成这个表演。
- Seen here is "caput medusae" which consists of dilated veins seen on the abdomen of a patient with cirrhosis of the liver. 如图所示,肝硬化患者腹部扩张的静脉侧支形成了“海蛇头”样表现。
- Petechiae, ecchymoses, "pinch purpura," and caput medusae are some of the vascular lesions associated with malignancies. 瘀点、瘀斑、“挤压性紫癜”和脐周静脉曲张是与某些恶性肿瘤有关的血管性损害。
- AIM: Osteoradionecrosis of the jaws (ORNJ) is one of the severe complications after radiotherapy for malignant tumors of the caput and cervical part. 目的:颌骨放射性骨坏死是头颈部恶性肿瘤放射治疗的严重并发症,拟对中文文献中的防治方法进行复习和评价。
- It is also suggested that improving the motility of spermatozoa from caput epididymis is the way to improve their fusibility with egg plasma membrane. 此外;还发现改善附睾头精子的运动状态也是提高精卵膜融合率的重要途径.