- The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brain scan. 医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。
- caption scanner 字幕扫描器
- The second scan revealed a brain tumor. 第二次扫描显示出一个脑瘤。
- I scan Time magazine while wait at the doctor's office. 在医生的诊所等的时候,我翻看时代杂志。
- There is a caption under the picture. 图片下边附有说明。
- The title or caption of a newspaper article, usually set in large type. 大字标题通常用大号铅字排印的新闻报道的标题或题目
- The Vatican said it wanted the caption removed. 梵蒂冈说,它希望撤掉这段文字。
- You should know the significance to the scanner. 你应该知道垂向扫描器的意义。
- This example demonstrates a table with a caption. 这个案例展示了包含标题的表格。
- Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency? 你有没有看格林被提名为总统候选人的大标题?
- BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption said. 下面的文字说明是:老大哥在看着你。
- Gets or sets the text caption displayed in the. 控件中显示的文本标题。
- This picture has been digitized by a scanner. 这幅图已由扫描仪进行了数字化。
- Gets or sets the text caption displayed on the. 控件上的文本标题。
- The font of the caption at the top of the grid. 网格顶部标题的字体。
- Form, and then formats a caption for the form. 窗体,然后为该窗体的标题设置格式。
- Select the caption that you want to change. 选择要更改的题注。
- Anderson had a police scanner in his pickup. 安德森车上有一台警方安装的扫描器。
- You can type any caption text that you like. 可以按您的意愿键入任意标题文本。
- The scanner is sometimes called a lexical analyzer. 扫描程序有时又把它称为词法分析程序。