- Now he applied himself to the job in earnest. 他现在认真地致力于这项工作了。
- She capitalized on her opponent's mistake and won the game. 她利用了她对手的失误赢得了比赛。
- The battle began in dead earnest. 战斗实际上已开始。
- Bill did his home work in earnest. 比尔认真地做功课。
- I'm sure he was earnest when he said he would come. 我相信他说他会来是认真的。
- Mild, kind, yet earnest reproof. 告诫,劝谏温和的,和善的,但诚挚的谴责
- She spoke half in sport, half in earnest. 她半开玩笑半认真地说。
- Mrs. White is earnest about community work. 怀特太太对社区工作十分热心。
- On their wedding, I sent my present in earnest. 在他们的婚礼上,我真诚地送上了一份礼物。
- capitalized earnests 收益的资本化值
- He was very earnest about giving his son a good education. 他十分重视封儿子进行良好的教育。
- An earnest request or petition; a plea. 迫切要求或恳求; 请求
- As an earnest of my good intentions I will work overtime this week. 我愿本周加班工作以示诚意。
- The officials were holding loose and not in earnest. 官员们都漠然置之,并不认真对待。
- The company capitalized its reserve funds. 这家公司把储备基金用作资本。
- When she threatened to report us, she was in dead earnest. 她威胁说要告发我们,她可是郑重其事说的。
- They capitalized the company's reserve funds. 他们将公司的储备金移作资本。
- He expressed earnest love to his motherland. 他抒发了对祖国的挚爱之情。
- The current economic slump is an earnest of the major recession to come. 当前的经济滑坡预示着一次大的衰退即将来临。
- She capitalized on his mistake and won the game. 她利用他的失误赢得比赛。