- Advanced Base Operation in Micronesia! 沿着密克罗尼西亚的作战基地推进!
- Capital base Total capital of an organization, i. E. Capital plus reserves. 自有资本,资本基础一个机构的全部资本,即资本加上储备。
- His immediately gives Ecuadorian capital base a much press writes a letter. 他随即给厄瓜多尔首都基多的一家报纸写信。
- Gearing ratio [IFC] Ratio of outstanding investments and guarantees to the capital base. 资本搭配比率[国际金融公司]指投资和担保余额与基础资本之间的比率。
- Gearing ratio [IFC]: Ratio of outstanding investments and guarantees to the capital base. 资本搭配比率[国际金融公司]:指投资和担保余额与基础资本之间的比率。
- We also need to further increase the IMF's capital base in order to expand its NAB, or New Arrangements to Borrow. 我们还应该进一步增大IMF的资金池,以扩大其新的贷款协议。
- Modular exponentiation of larger-number has universal application in cryptography,and it is the base operation in most public-key cryptography algorithms. 大数模幂在密码学领域有广泛的应用,它是公钥密码的基础。
- CDB's capital base has been pinched by continued lending growth without an increase in equity. 由于贷款不断增长,而公司的股本并未增加,这使得国家开发银行的资本充足率出现下降。
- Clearly, if the pair continue to lose money for much longer, their capital base will be eroded. 显然,两家公司继续赔钱的话,其资本的根基会逐渐被侵蚀。
- By shedding profitable business lines, Citigroup would be relinquishing a source of retained earnings, an important part of a bank's capital base. 把盈利的业务出让之后,花旗就放弃了一份有保障的利润,而这正是该行资本基础的关键组成部分。
- Modular multiplication of larger-number has universal application in cryptography, and it is the base operation in most public-key cryptography algorithms such as RSA,ElGamal, Fiat- Shamir. 大数模乘在密码学领域有广泛的应用,它是实现RSA、ElGamal、Fiat-Shamir等公钥密码算法的基本运算。
- In Japan, too, banks have lots of preferred shares in their capital bases. 日本银行业同样有许多优先股存在于资本基础里。
- The moves would boost Citi's capital base by adding more common stock without forcing the government and other investors to spend more money. 这些措施将增加更多普通股股份,从而增强花旗的资本金基础,而无需迫使政府和其它投资者投入更多资金。
- Each structure has a specific purpose and plays an important part of your bases operation and enhances its capabilities. 每一个部件都有一个明确的用途,在你的基地中扮演者重要的角色,并提高它的性能。
- In conjunction with the transfer of these non-performing loans, regulators also employed capital injection measures to enhance the capital base of commercial banks. 在转让该等不良贷款的同时,监管机关亦使用注资方法,以增强商业银行的资本基础。
- The flimsier the banks' capital base, the less freely they can lend to firms and households, putting both consumer spending and corporate investment at risk. 资本基础越薄弱,银行进行商业和房地产借贷就越受束缚,从而消费者支出和企业投资的风险就越大。
- The HPUs are driven by a diesel engine for land pipelines or an electric motor for laybarge or spool- based operations. 柴油机驱动陆地管线的液压动力元件,而对于布管驳船或基于活塞运作的液压动力元件则由电动机驱动。
- The Effects Based Operations (EBO) concept is based on relating actions in a combined operations to overall effects. 基于效果作战(EBO)的概念是根据联合作战中各相关行动的总体效果提出来的。
- Take Japan, a country whose once-precarious financial institutions now have low funding needs, a solid capital base and little exposure to subprime loans. 在日本,一个城市,一个一度岌岌可危的金融机构现在对资金需求水平非常低,并且资产基础坚固,没有一点点对次级贷款的风险敞口。