- capital requirement regulation 资本充足率监管
- How High Should Bank Capital Requirements Be? 银行资本充足率应该为多高?
- Risk Based Capital Requirement A stated requirement of liquid reserves placed upon banks and institutions that deal in risky ventures. 风险资本要求根据规定,银行及从事有风险投资机构必须维持的流动准备金。
- Hellmann,Murdock,Stiglitz(2000).Liberalization,Moral Hazard in Banking, and Prudential Regulation:Are Capital Requirements Enough[J].The American Economic Review, Vol.90. 张春.;经济发展不同阶段对金融体系的信息要求和政府对银行的干预:来自韩国的经验教训
- The lobbies of Wall Street will, it is true, resist onerous regulation of capital requirements or liquidity, after this crisis is over. 诚然,在这场危机结束后,华尔街的游说者将反对资本金要求或流动性方面的繁重监管。
- The minimum efficient scale to market size, the capital requirement and product differentiation are factors discouraging. 进入障碍变数:最小效率规模相对市场规模,资本需求及产品差异性,则会显著地阻碍厂商进入市场。
- Effectively addressing the pro-cyclicality elements in the existing capital requirement framework is essential for avoiding a repetition of serious financial crisis. 有效克服现有资本监管框架中顺周期因素以及增加银行资本的质量是防止严重金融危机的必要前提。
- Minimum capital requirement, official supervision and market discipline are put forward by the new Basel Accord as the three pillars of bank supervision. 新巴塞尔协议提出的三大支柱为最低资本要求、官方监管和市场约束。
- Because corporations cannot be trusted to voluntarily protect the environment, they require regulation. 因為企业无法令人信赖地自觉保护环境,因此需要规章来规范它们。
- Hence capital requirements should rise during booms and fall in busts. 因此,资本需求在景气时增加,不景气时则下降。
- Implement various examination plans, schemes, maintenance measures implementation requirement regulations. 执行各类检修计划、方案、维护措施以及实施要求规范。
- It can do this by tailoring capital requirements to the credit cycle. 根据信贷周期调整资本要求就可以做到这一点。
- The paper introduces Credit Metric of JP Morgan to the research of credit risk of commercial banks, calculates the credit risk VaR of commercial banks of our country by stylebook analysis and evaluates the credit risk and capital requirement of them. 本文将JP Morgan信用风险计量法引入我国商业银行信用风险的研究,通过样本分析对商业银行信用风险的var进行测算,进而对银行的信用风险状况和资本要求进行评估。
- The big problem is, of course, that most people do not have the massive amounts of capital required to buy real estate. 问题比较大,当然大多数人不会有大量资金购买房地产。
- Higher capital requirements for banks should prevent a rerun of some of the recent excesses. 对银行更高的资本充足率要求应该会防止曾经借贷过剩的重演。
- Capital requirements need to be revamped so that banks accumulate more reserves during the good times. 资本要求需要进行调整,让银行可以在行情好的时候多些积累。
- The insurance company will invest more money in riskless assets in order to meet risk-based capital requirements. 在不分红保单大量解约的情形下,剩下的保单多为分红保单,所以在此情形中,保险公司多会投资在无风险性资产以求稳定的资产报酬率及符合法定资本适足率的规范。
- Contra-cyclical capital requirements, forcing banks to build more reserves during good times, will leave them less cash to splurge on bonuses. 反周期的资金需求迫使银行在经济较好的时候多储备资金,而这种需求给银行更少的资金来发红利。
- However, the IRB approach does not allow banks themselves to determine all of the elements needed to calculate their own capital requirements. 然而,IRB法并不允许银行自己决定计算资本要求的全面内容。
- In addition, the institutions future prospect for expansion, or ability to engage in new activities requiring regulatory approval e. G. Opening of new branches, may be restricted. 此外,机构的业务扩展计划或向金管局提出扩展新业务的申请可能会受到限制,例如申请开设新分行等。