- We have made it a rule not to allow a deficit in our regular budget and not to exceed the deficit level projected at the beginning of the year in our capital development budget. 我们始终坚持经常性预算不打赤字,建设性预算赤字不突破年初确定的规模。
- capital development budget 建设性预算赤字
- Venture capital development in China II. 中国创业投资发展报告2。
- Whenaccountants talk of quarterly profits, the development budget is aboutto be cut. 财务主管在谈论季度盈利时开发预算将会被削减。
- The objective of software testing is to find problems and fix them to improve quality. Software testing typically represents 40% of a software development budget. 对软件进行测试的目的是找到软件时存在的问题并且修复这些问题以此提高软件的质量。软件测试一般要占用软件开发经费预算的40%25。
- In the past decade, WIPO's budget, including its Cooperation for Development budget, has tripled in size, greatly expanding WIPO's role in IP development assistance. 在过去十年里,WIPO的预算,包括用于“合作促进发展”的预算,已是原有规模的三倍,极大地扩展了WIPO在知识产权发展援助方面的作用。
- The first Session of the Ninth CPPCC started an undertaking "No. 1st" project about Venture Capital development in March 1998. From then on, Chinese v. 1998年3月九届一次政协会议上通过发展我国风险投资业的“一号提案”。
- Business decision makers are also important to involve in Design Refinement discussions, because the trade-offs between different solutions may involve making decisions about the development budget and timeline. 商业决策人在设计细化阶段的介入也非常重要,因为不同方案之间的折中考虑可能会牵扯到开发预算和时间进度的决策。
- The Capital Development Authority(CDA) Islamabad has recently changed the color of the Red Mosque as peach.However, the government has not so far decided a new name of the mosque. 首都发展局最近把清真寺原有的红色换成了粉红色,就目前,政府还未决定为该清真寺取个新名字。
- Need control and in developing budgets. 需要制订并控制预算。
- Managed departmental budget by developing budget proposals, drafting recommendations and projections. 以发展预算提案、制作建议及立案来管理学系预算。
- To support a broader goal of strengthening local governance, the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and UNDP worked with the Government of Malawi to develop pilot projects for participatory planning and financing of district-level capital investment. 为支持强化地方施政这一广泛目标,联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)和开发计划署与马拉维政府协作,开发了地区一级资本投资参与式规划和筹资试点项目。
- To support a broader goal of strengthening local governance,the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and UNDP worked with the Government of Malawi to develop pilot projects for participatory planning and financing of district-level capital investment. 为支持强化地方施政这一广泛目标,联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)和开发计划署与马拉维政府协作,开发了地区一级资本投资参与式规划和筹资试点项目。
- The appearance of them lead to the problem of Adverse Select of the client and the MoralHazard of the attorney, which ultimately result in the short of market efficiency and the limit ofthe Venture Capital development. 正是由于这种信息不对称导致了委托人逆向选择(Adverse Select)代理人以及代理人道德风险(MoralHazard)问题,从而导致市场缺乏效率。 大大制约了风险投资的发展。
- Recruit and manage IT staff according to the needs of business development. Oversees all IT-related purchasing and budget usage; works with Accounting to develop budgets. 根据公司业务发展的需要招募和管理IT员工。监督公司IT相关产品和服务的购买和预算管理,与财务人员一起制定IT预算。
- Dr.Stringifeld has associated with some of the most prestigious law firm is Asia, from China, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and S.Korea on capital development projects and securities IPOs. 斯特林菲尔德博士已与亚洲,来自中国,马来西亚,泰国,柬埔寨,越南和韩国最负盛名的律师事务所进行相关的资本项目和证券上市项目。
- Therefore, we research deliberately on the aspects of entrepreneur financing, management consulting, special issue consulting, capital development and corporate finance, and gain abundant experience. 在企业融资、企业管理咨询、专项信息咨询、资本运营及资源整合等方面有着深入的研究和丰富的经验。
- With fat development budgets at their disposal, Punjab's mayors illegally disbursed millions of dollars in election patronage. 旁遮普省的市长们由于自己的提议被采纳而获得大把的开发预算,他们也就在选举赞助中非法动用了数百万的美元。
- Just because small companies don't command multimillion-dollar research and development budgets doesn't mean they don't have to innovate. 仅仅由于小公司们手头没有数百万美元的研发预算不意味着就不必创新。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。