- Second, in order to achieve yuan capital account convertibility on the market. 第二,人民币要实现在资本项目市场上的可兑换。
- To enhance foreign investment tips and regulatory risk, steady capital account convertibility. 加强对外投资的风险提示和监管,稳步推进资本项目可兑换。
- For developing countries and emerging economies, low inflation rate is essential to successful capital account convertibility. 摘要对于发展中国家来说,低通货膨胀率是资本账户开放的成功保证。
- The Convertibility of RMB includes Current Account Convertibility and Capital Account Convertibility , which each has its own characteristics and different management approach . 人民币可兑换内容包括经常项目可兑换和资本项目可兑换,它们各有特点,对其管理方式亦有不同,对资本项目的管理要尤为谨慎,以免酿成危机。
- If restrictions on residents or restrict the free convertibility of capital account convertibility of foreign exchange.China's yuan is limited freely convertible currency. 基本面分析者即据此作为外汇买卖决策的指标,买入美元,卖出日元、马克。
- A Study on Capital Control and Capital Account Convertibility of RMB 资本项目管制与人民币可自由兑换研究
- Keywords Capital account convertibility;Capital control;Exchange rate system; 资本项目可兑换;资本管制;汇率制度;
- Keywords capital control;capital account opening;capital account convertibility;capital account liberalization;capital flight;money laundering;underground banking system; 资本管制;资本帐户开放;资本帐户可兑换;资本帐户自由化;资本外逃;洗钱;地下银行系统;
- and the latter for steadily promoting capital account convertibility, Tianjin Binhai New Area, such as foreign exchange management reform program has a Mexican multi-topic. 而后者对于稳步推进资本项目可兑换、滨海新区外汇管理改革方案等话题多有着墨。
- The next category shows capital account. 下一类是资本项目。
- capital account convertibility 资本项目可兑换
- Sequential convertibility under capital accounts II. 论有序的资本项目可兑换2。
- The current financial crisis creates a unique opportunity to realize the convertibility of RMB capital account. 当前的金融危机为人民币资本项目可兑换创造了良好机会。
- The free convertibility of the RMB and the complete opening of the capital account are the ultimate prize of China's reform. 人民币自由兑换,资本帐户完全开放是中国改革开放的终极目标和最后一步。
- You can open countless capital account in different bourse. 你可以在不同的交易所开设无数个资金账户。
- After the convertibility of RMB in current account in 1996, the capital account liberalizes gradually in the meantime the commercial banks begin to reform. 自1996年我国接受国际货币基金组织第八条款,实现人民币经常项下可兑换之后,资本账户开放就一直在稳步的进行。在我国进行银行业改革的同时,资本账户逐步放开。
- Currently, the non-performing loans held by the big four banks is a main impediment for China's financial account convertibility. 亚洲金融风暴的发生,也使中国对金融帐开放的态度趋于保守。
- Capital account balances are presently $10 for Bryan and $100 for Davis. 资本账户的余额分别是布赖恩10美元和戴维斯100美元。
- The current and capital accounts together are the basic balance. 经常项目和资本项目共同构成基本差额。
- Nor is it certain that opening the capital account would mean a weaker rupee. 放开资本账户并不一定意味着削弱卢比,说不定它还会吸引更多的资本流入。