- He is endued with a spirit of public service. 他富有为公众服务的精神。
- capacity of public services 公共服务能力
- Mr Tang has a long and distinguished record of public service. 唐先生多年来曾担任不少公职,成绩有目共睹。
- The public expects continuous improvement in the delivery of public services. 在这方面,市民期望公共服务持续改善。
- Public transit: The capacity of public transit was enhanced unceasingly. 公共交通: 公共交通运营能力不断提高。
- Price reforms in the area of public services, energy and transport were constantly deepened. 公用服务和能源、交通领域价格改革不断深化。
- Price reforms in the area of public services,energy and transport were constantly deepened. 公用服务和能源、交通领域价格改革不断深化。
- OBJECTIVE:To raise the exigency capacity of drug system to cope with the unexpected events of public heal_ th. 目的:提高突发公共卫生事件中药品相关部门的应急能力。
- Yet, in the 1990s, privatization of public services remains a highly controversial subject. 但是在90年代里,公共服务设施的私有化问题仍然处于激烈争议之中。
- The delivery of public services has tended to be an area where we decorate an obsolete process with technology. 现在,公共服务的提供方式已趋陈旧,这正是我们必须用技术加以修饰的领域。
- The lift has a capacity of 15 persons. 这部电梯的载容量为15 人。
- Director of Public Services Diane Kresh said visitors can now reach librarians on the Internet's World Wide Web. 公共服务部的主任黛安?克瑞诗表示,现在人们可以通过在互联网上访问图书馆的网页来直接与管理员沟通,
- Genius is the capacity of evade hard work. 天才是避免苦干的能力。
- Work relating to the transfer of public services is under the charge of the Efficiency Unit of the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office. 有关公营服务私营化的工作,则由政务司司长办公室辖下的效率促进组负责。
- What's the cubic capacity of this engine? 这台发动机的立体容积是多少?
- The local currency is worthless, so swathes of public services have ceased to function. 津巴布韦本币贬得一文不值,原本已经微乎其微的公共服务也已经全部终止。
- The load capacity of this barge. 一平底船的煤此种船所装的煤量
- The theater has a seating capacity of 800. 这个剧场可容纳八百名观众。
- The building of public service capacity is an important content in the building of public administrate capacity and ruling capacity. 摘要公共服务能力建设是公共行政能力、执政能力建设的重要内容。
- Capture (e. G. Of public services) The use of a significant amount, e. G. Of public services or resources by relatively narrow special interests. 滥用(公共服务等)为相对狭小的特殊利益而使用大量的公共服务和资源。