- capacitive bolometer 电容式测辐射热器
- The capacitive effects are negligible. 电容的影响可以忽略不计。
- Support Optical or Capacitive Fingerprint sensor. 支持光学或电容的指纹传感器.
- The technology of bolometer will be a new industry in nextdecade. 测辐射热计技术有望在下一个十年发展成为一门新的产业。
- Opamps will often oscillate when driving capacitive loads. 放大器驱动容性负载时经常振荡。
- Figure 5.15 shows a method using capacitive coupling. 图5.;15所示为一种电容偶合方式。
- The official reasoning for no capacitive touchscreen support is puzzling. 官方对不支持电容屏所做的解释令人费解。
- A pair of capacitive rings attached to the respective pole piece is used to detect movement of the coil. 两个分别附在各自极靴上的电容环被用来探测线圈的运动。
- Abstract: This paper describes the classical mathematic model of bolometer, the effect of thermal isolation and noise on detector performance are also discussed. 文摘:总结了非制冷测辐射热计的经典数学模型,并分析了探测器热绝缘结构和噪声对性能的影响,指出了性能改进和优化的基本途径。
- Uncooled bolometer infrared focal plane arrays with high-performance and low-cost have become research hot spots on infrared thermal imaging. 非致冷测辐射热计以其高性能和低价格,成为红外热成像技术新的研究热点。
- These advantages have made the capacitive transducer a valuable device for measurement of engine cylinder pressures. 这些优点已使得电容式传感器成为测量发动机汽缸压力的有效的装置。
- This paper describes the classical mathematic model of bolometer, the effect of thermal isolation and noise on detector performance are also discussed. 总结了非制冷测辐射热计的经典数学模型,并分析了探测器热绝缘结构和噪声对性能的影响,指出了性能改进和优化的基本途径。
- Capacitive touch screen adopts a glass structure in which transparent conductive materials are installed. 电容式触摸屏采取的是两面都布有透明传导材料的全玻璃结构。
- Based on the sharp resistance change near the metal|insulator transition (M|I) of the colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) materials, we design and test a new type CMR bolometer. 基于超巨磁阻 (CMR)材料在金属 绝缘体 (M I)转变点附近的巨大电阻变化 ;设计并测试了一种新型超巨磁阻测辐射热仪 (CMRbolometer) .
- Buffer Amplifier An amplifier, usually in a gain of 1 or 2, used to drive a heavy capacitive or resistive load. 缓冲器放大器一种放大器,通常可以放大1到2倍,用于驱动大容量或大阻抗负载。
- Analysis of the simulation result attests that the thermal isolation structure is important in the design of a bolometer detector thus endorsing the present work. 仿真结果分析证明了热绝缘结构在探测器设计中是占有重要地位的,同时说明本文所做工作是有意义的。
- The factor which is most detrimental to the formation of the null voltage is the capacitive coupling between the primary and secondary coils. 对形成零电压最有害的因素是初线圈和次级线圈之间的电容耦合。
- Cyclic voltammograms of the modified electrodes showed that the capacitive current and area of the solution-electrode interface were rather large. 从循环伏安法结果得知,被修饰过之电极在水溶液极电极之电容电流及其表面积均较大。
- Sometimes they present a capacitive load, sometimes they present an inductive load, sometimes simply resistive, sometimes a combination of these. 而且,事实上,扬声器系统的实际电阻从来没有等同于它的额定阻抗。
- New Technology: Based on Capacitive Proximity Sensor using a wire as the proximity sensor. 新技术:基于电容式近程传感器,使用导线作为近程传感器。