- canted coil spring 斜圈弹簧
- Three major series: 1, Vol Cold Spring, 2, coil spring, 3, steel spring. 主要有三大系列:1,冷卷弹簧,2,热卷弹簧,3,钢片弹簧。
- After removing the first check from the backflow valve body, place on a flat surface with the coil spring facing up. 从防回流阀阀体上拆卸第一止回阀后,要使螺旋弹簧面朝上放在平面上。
- A coil spring (21) elastically supports the pot block (9) to be movable in contact with the substrate block (5). 罐形件(9)由螺旋弹簧(21)弹性支承,可使罐形件一边与基板块(5)接触一边移动。
- The multilink coil spring suspension wasn't too stiff or too loose, which would make the driver feel uncomfortable. 在多重螺旋弹簧悬架不是太硬或太松,这将使司机感到不舒服。
- Every four weeks, reactivation of coil spring is performed and ulceration of oral mucosa is recorded. 每隔四周检查及活化弹簧一次,并纪录口腔组织有无溃疡现象。
- FRONT SUSPENSION (option), dual coil springs and shock absorbers. 前悬架(备选件):双卷簧和减震器。
- After remove of the closed coil spring,the left maxilla was considered as experimental side and the right maxilla as control side. 以每只大鼠的左侧牙弓为实验侧,右侧牙弓为对照侧。
- Duo to the drawbacks of the difficulty, unsafety, low efficiency and laboriousness in assembling and disassembling a certain gun family magazine drum coil spring. 摘要针对某型枪族弹鼓涡簧的装卸操作难度大、安全系数小、劳动强度高和工作效率低等雈难题。
- The two coil spring terminals have the structure of double coil spring terminal including a small diameter coil spring terminal and a large diameter coil spring terminal. 两个螺旋弹簧端子具有双螺旋弹簧端子的结构,包括一个小直径螺旋弹簧端子和一个大直径螺旋弹簧端子。
- A fine coiled spring that regulates the movement of the balance wheel in a watch or clock. 游丝在手表或钟内用于调整计时器摇轮运动的细小的卷绕弹簧
- Normal, double-helix DNA is spiral, like a loosely coiled spring. 正常的双螺旋DNA是螺旋形的,像一根松松地卷曲的弹簧。
- Superselective therapeutic embolization using a 3 mm coil spring emboli was carried out.Immediate relief of the symptoms was noted after successful coil embGlization. 利用三毫米大的弹簧线圈,进行高选择性的治疗性栓塞,成功地完成栓塞后,病人症状立即得到舒缓。
- He canted over from his chair onto the floor. 他从椅子上跌倒在地板上。
- Install the replacement thermostat so that the pellet, which is encircled by a coil spring, faces the enginAll thermostats are marked on the outer flange to indicate the proper installed position. 安装替换的调温器,使得被螺旋弹簧环绕的小球朝向引擎。所有的调温器都在外部凸缘上标示适当的安装位置。
- The sailboat canted over in the storm. 帆船在暴风雨中倾覆了。
- The coil springs is made of a length of special spring steel which is wound in the shape of a coil. 螺旋弹簧是由一长条形的特种弹簧钢制成,绕成螺旋状。
- Lower the lifting device enough to remove the axlThe coil springs will drop with the axle. 降低支撑设备以拆卸车轴。螺旋弹簧随车轴同时拆下。
- Sagging springs. Spring will sag from overloading or if they have become weak. Loss of the shim from the coil spring seat on the coil-spring suspension will cause the spring to seem shorter and to sag. 弹簧下垂:重载或者弹簧变软均会引起弹簧下垂。螺旋弹簧悬架上弹簧座的垫片丢失,也会引起弹簧变软和下垂。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。