- cant bay window 多边形凸窗
- Anyone who drinks beer too much is bound to get a bay window. 喝啤酒太多的人,必然会落得一个大肚皮。
- Anyone who drinks beer too much is bound qo get a bay window. 喝啤酒太多的人,必然会落得一个大肚皮。
- A projecting bay window, supported from below with a corbel or bracket. 凸肚窗一种投影式凸窗,下面用梁托或支架支撑起来
- Bay window in an upper story, supported from below by projecting corbels. 设在楼上,下面由挑出的叠涩支承的凸窗。
- Unit Covered Area includes the Saleable Area, and area of bay window (if any). 单位有盖面积包括实用面积及窗台面积(如有)。
- It had a large bay window bulging out from the second floor, and was graced in front by a small grassy plot, twenty-five feet wide and ten feet deep. 一个很大的凸式窗子从二楼伸出来,屋前有一块长两丈五宽一丈的草坪,屋后还有一个小院子,被隔壁人家的篱笆围在当中。
- A short shapeless person led him toward a bay window glowing orange in the darkness. 一个难看的矮子在头里走,领着他朝一扇在暗处亮着桔黄色灯光的凸窗走去。
- Pinda: Yeah, great, another old building. I'm going to sit in that bay window and rest my feet while you walk around. 嗯,好,有一座古老的建筑。你去参观吧,我要去那边的凸窗坐下来歇歇脚。
- Area of bay window, if any, is not included in calculation of gross floor area and saleable area. 窗台面積(如有),不計算入建築面積及實用面積內。
- Area of bay window, is any, is not included in calculation of gross floor area and saleable area. 窗台面積(如有),不計算入建築面積及實用面積內。
- Those men with weak hearts and bay windows are trying to climb up the hill. 那些心脏衰弱和大腹便便的人们,正试图爬上小山。
- A bay window. 凸窗
- Kok do in the bedroom window general, expanded vision and lighting area, the amount of flaring - type design can make generous bay windows into a comfortable seating. 角窗一般做在次卧室,扩大了视野和采光面积,外飘型的设计又可以使宽大的窗台成为一个舒适的座椅。
- You're no use in the choir you cant sing a note! 你对合唱团毫无益处--你简直唱不成调!
- Typically Bay Window is consisted of three windows joined together. The center window is usually fixed, with operating double-hung or casement windows at the sides. 典型的弓型窗是由三扇窗组合而成.;中间为固定窗;两侧为提拉窗或平开窗
- There has been a great deal of politician's cant. 说了一大堆政客惯用的言不由衷的话。
- The ship took on a dangerous cant to port. 船只出现向左舷危险倾斜。
- The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。
- Bonsai plants can be placed in a rack in the room, the floor, bay windows, as long as there is enough space and proper note that these flowers will make every corner vigorous. 盆景盆栽在室内可摆在花架上、地板上、窗台上,只要有足够的空间和适当的日照,这些花草就会令每一个角落都生机勃勃。