- Data were analyzed using multiple regression and canonical correlation. 所收集资料以统计方法分析进行资料处理。
- The collected data were analyzed by MANOVA and canonical correlation. 所得资料以多变项变异数分析、典型相关进行统计分析。
- Optimal characteristics of a canonical correlation variable under unitarily invariant norm. 典则相关变量的酉不变模最优性。
- The results of the questionnaires were then analyzed with ANOVA, enter regression and canonical correlation. 研究样本的菸害认知及吸菸行为与其个人背景因素、菸害知识、健康控制重心及行动线索有关。
- The data was analyzed by Hotelling T2, one-way MANOVA, one-way repeated measure ANOVA, and Canonical correlation. 最后再以深度访谈的方式了解自我概念与行为困扰之间的关系。
- Data obtained in this study were analyzed by MANOVA, ANOVA by adjusting a and Canonical Correlation Analysis. 本研究主要发现如下:1.;不同性别大学生的共依附特质、人际亲密能力及亲密感有明显差异。
- Title: Optimal characteristics of a canonical correlation variable under unitarily invariant norm. 关键词:酉不变模;奇异值分解;典则相关变量;典则相关系数
- Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is a important research subject of multivariate statistical analysis. 典型相关分析是多元统计分析的一个重要研究课题。
- These results show that the canonical correlation variable , in a more general context, will have optimal properties. 其结果说明典则相关变量在更一般意义下具有最优性质。
- Wu Bin, Cai Xuezhan. Rainfall forecast in rainy season in Fujian preovince using canonical correlation analysis. Meteorlogical Science and Technology. 吴滨,蔡学湛。用典型相关分析预测福建前汛期降水。气象科技。
- A complete diallel of seven yellow-seeded rapeseed lines as sample which come from different sources by using canonical correlation approach was carried out. 摘要以7个不同遗传来源的甘蓝型黄籽品系所配制的完全双列杂交作样本,对甘蓝型黄籽油菜进行典型相关分析。
- MANOVA and canonical correlations were used for data analysis. 共寄发556份问卷,回收304份问卷,回收率为54.;7%25。
- The relationship between TnI,BNP,IL-8 and heart function parameters was evaluated by the canonical correlation analysis. 应用典则相关分析,分析TnI、BNP、IL-8与LVSF、LVDF、LVSS的相关性。
- Franco seedlings from 56 provenances and the climatic factors in their original regions were studied by using the method of canonical correlation. Franco]种源二年生苗木调查性状与原产地气候因子两组多元变量之间的关系。
- Data obtained in this study were analyzed by MANOVA, as well as by ANOVA via adjustment of c and Canonical Correlation Analysis. 本研究主要发现如下:1.不同性别大学生的共依附特质、人际亲密能力及亲密感有明显差异。
- The results of this study were as follow: (1) There were significant canonical correlation between cognitive components and conation components. 意动成份对讯息处理策略和后设认知策略的解释力比较高,认知成份对学习动机和行动控制策略的解释力比较高。
- Besides, the value recognition of environment and land use pattern are related by using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). 此外并应用正准相关分析,进一步探讨土地使用形态与环境品质评价之间的关系。
- Further canonical correlation analysis shows that environment differentia accounts for 49.6% of heterogeneities between communities. 典型相关分析进一步表明,群落间异质性主要是群落组成异质性,有49.;6%25是由环境差异引起的。
- The analysis of canonical correlation for 7 body size traits and 5 reproductive properties of Landrace sows was conducted. 摘要对长白母猪的7个体尺性状和5个繁殖性状进行了典型相关分析。
- Datain this study were analyzed by analysis of variance, correlation, multiplestepwise regression analysis, and canonical correlation analysis. 所得之资料以描述统计、变异数分析、相关分析、多元迴归分析及典型相关分析等统计方法进行处理。