- His left arm was shattered into matches by a cannon ball. 他的左臂被一炮弹击碎。
- This is called cannon ball, and that is called swallow dive. 这种动作叫抱膝跳水,那个动作叫燕式跳水。
- How many times must a cannon ball fly, before they're forever banned? 横行过多少次,然后空中才能不见硝烟?
- They shot the cannon balls at the other ship. 他们用加农炮攻击另一艘船。
- The newspaper today said that a man while digging in his garden found a big iron cannon ball, isn't that weird? 今天的报纸说,一个人在花园里挖土时发现了一个大号铁质炮弹,这不是很奇怪吗?
- He was continually fancying that a cannon ball was swooping down upon him with a fearful whiz. 他老觉得,随着一声可怕的呼啸,会向他飞来一发炮弹;
- Today's newspaper said that a man dug up a cannon ball in his garden. Isn't that strange? 今天的报纸说,一个人在花园里挖土时发现了一个大号铁质炮弹,这不是很奇怪吗?
- However, most times, they'll do a human cannon ball impression and hurtle through the air... 骑脚车发生意外多数是骑士本身太鲁莽所致,穿街走巷不根据交通规则,这才是意外的主要根源。
- You have probably seen these in movies, where the soldiers load the cannon with gun powder and a cannon ball and light it. 你经常可以在电影中看到,士兵门用火药装填加农炮,然后装入炮弹,接着点火。
- On the rising ground occupied by the enemy, there rose the smoke of a shot, and a cannon ball flew whizzing over the heads of the squadron of hussars. 敌军的小山岗上放炮后冒起了一股烟雾,一枚炮弹从骑兵连头顶上方呼啸着飞过去了。
- How many times must the cannon balls fiy Before they're forever banned? 炮弹要飞多少次,才能将永远紧缚?
- How many times must the cannon balls fly before they 're forever banned? 炮弹要横飞多少次才能永远被禁止?
- Every ten seconds a cannon ball flew lashing the air and thumped down, or a grenade burst in the midst of that dense crowd, slaying men and splashing blood on those who stood near. 每隔十秒钟就有一颗炮弹挤压着空气,发出隆隆的响声,或者有颗手榴弹在这密集的人群中爆炸,杀死那些站在附近的人,把鲜血溅在他们身上。
- Cannon, Mortars, Cannon Balls and Grenades - Well bestowed on those who have dared their terrors in sieges and battles. 大炮、臼炮、炮弹和榴弹-对那些克服自己的恐惧投入战斗的人们的馈赠。
- Devastating broadsides are fired with a deafening roar and cannon balls tear through enemy ships and their crew. 伴着震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,毁灭性的炮弹齐射撕裂了敌人的船舰和船员。
- One story says Galileo proved he was right by dropping two cannon balls at exactly the same time from the top of the leaning tower of Pisa. 有个故事说,伽利略为了证明他的正确而在比萨斜塔上让两个圆球同时落下。
- The statue of General Jackson stands on its pedestal and looks with calculation at the cannon balls pyramided in cement. 杰克逊将军的雕象仍然高高屹立在石座上,以一副深谋远虑的神态望着脚下的一堆水泥炮弹。
- It was all uproar and confused bustle under the sinister whiz of the flying cannon balls from the French batteries stationed on the heights of Pratzen. 这一切在法国炮队从普拉茨高地发射的炮弹的异常沉闷的隆隆声中,发出嗡嗡的响音,混成一团,蠕动着。
- The cannon balls were hissing and whistling so inspiritingly about him, his horse pulled so eagerly forward that he could not resist it. 炮弹那么激烈地在他周围咝咝呼啸,战马是那样跃跃欲奔,以致于笼它不住了。
- He himself figured in his imagination as a mighty man of immense stature, who was flinging cannon balls at the French with both hands. 他觉得自己像个身材高大、强而有力,能用一双手捧着炮弹向法国官兵扔去的男子汉。