- A canine tooth of the upper jaw. 上颚犬齿上颚的一个犬齿
- A canine tooth, especially of a horse. 犬牙,尖牙尤指马的犬牙
- Conclusion:The canine tooth A exploding apparatus and the water quantity of 5% is the best way to manufacture t... 结论:A式犬齿爆裂装置加水5%25的工艺为制备单层薄层珍珠层粉的最佳工艺。
- Her lips parted to show her canine teeth. 她撇开嘴,露出两个虎牙来。
- She laughed, showing her canine teeth. 她说完,笑了笑,露出一对虎牙。
- His two upper canine teeth protrude. 他那两只虎牙朝两边支着。
- Methods:According to the formative characteristic of pear,the canine tooth instant exploding apparatus was applied in the research. 方法:根据珍珠的形成特性,应用犬齿瞬间爆裂装置进行研究。
- Herbivorous animals have very small canine teeth, or none. 食草动物的犬牙很小或者没有。
- Results:The pear layer powder manufactured with the canine tooth A and the 5% water quantity was good to the nanometer pear powder in the latter operation. 结果:用A式犬齿爆裂装置加水5%25的工艺制备的单层薄层珍珠层粉,有利于在后续工序中用以制备纳米珍珠粉。
- Indonesian wild pig with enormous curved canine teeth. 印度尼西亚野猪,雄性有巨大弯曲的犬齿。
- Canine teeth large, strong, broken teeth not to be faulted. 典型大犬齿,有力。断齿不是不合格。
- It has a pair of large canine teeth in its upper jaw. 在它的上颚有一对大的犬齿。
- A canine tooth;an eyetooth. 犬齿;尖牙
- A canine tooth; an eyetooth. 犬齿;尖牙
- The size of a panther it has the longest canine teeth relative to body size of any cat. 婆罗洲云豹的大小与小型美洲狮相当,其犬齿长度相对于体型来说居猫科动物之首。
- The carnivorous animals are characterized especially by large, sharp canine teeth. 肉食动物的特征是大而尖的牙齿。
- A canine tooth; an eyetooth. 犬齿; (用于犬科动物)出生。
- Four canine teeth protrude above and below the jaw, giving them a fearsome appearance. 突出于上下颚的四颗犬齿使牠们看起来相当可怕。
- Both male and female walruses grow tusks, which are simply canine teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives. 无论是雄海象还是雌海象,它们长着长象牙,但只有犬齿在它们一生中能持续增长。
- A malocclusion of the teeth in which the front upper incisor and canine teeth project over the lower. (牙齿)覆咬合牙齿的咬合不正,其中上前切牙和犬齿突出盖在下牙上