- How is Canine Distemper diagnosed and treated? 如何诊断和治疗犬瘟?
- Q: How is Canine Distemper prevented? 如何预防犬瘟?
- No treatment other than supportive care exists for canine distemper. 不接受任何治疗的辅助治疗以外存在犬瘟热。
- From the comments sounds like you may have a case of Canine Distemper. 犬瘟热尚无特别有效的治疗方法。
- Vaccination and avoiding contact with infected animals are key elements of canine distemper prevention. 注射疫苗和避免与患狗接触是预防犬瘟的关键因素。
- Other suggestions include immuno-contraception control and the possibility of infecting stoats with canine distemper. “在自7月份孵出的11只幼鸟中,有7只被白鼬和猫吃掉了。”
- Canine distemper is an often fatal infectious disease that mainly has respiratory and neurologic signs. 犬瘟热通常是一种致命的传染病,主要可见呼吸和神经系统疾病症状。
- Veterinarians diagnose canine distemper on the basis of clinical appearance and laboratory tests. 兽医对犬瘟的诊断是以患狗的临床表现和实验室测试结果为依据。
- Because canine distemper also affects wildlife populations, contact between wild and domestic canids may facilitate spread of the virus. 因为犬瘟还影响野生动物,野外犬科动物和家犬之间的接触会加大病毒的散播。
- The inclusion bodies located in ependymal cells were a important evidence for determination of canine distemper in brain tissues. 位于室管膜细胞内的包涵体对于脑组织犬瘟热的确诊具有重要的作用;
- Killing various pathogen in the air and object surface including canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, cat distemper virus, etc. 全面杀灭空气中和物品表面包括犬瘟热病毒、犬细小病毒、猫瘟热病毒在内的各种病原。
- The determination of electron microscopy showed that there were canine distemper virus (CDV)-like virus in samples of died lesser pandas from a zoo. 对某动物园发病死亡小熊猫的病料进行电镜检查,发现了犬瘟热病毒(CDV)样病毒粒子;
- Pathological characterizations of the central nervous system (CNS) of dogs with acute canine distemper were the demyelination in white. 脑组织中髓鞘脱失和淋巴组织中淋巴细胞减少是犬瘟热发生的主要原因,但其发生的机理还未完全搞清。
- Canine distemper, commonly known as a dog disease, the English name of Canine distemper, is a major hazard of serious canine diseases puppies. 犬瘟热,俗称狗瘟,英文名称为Canine distemper,是一种主要危害幼犬的严重犬类疾病。
- Transmission of the Canine Distemper virus occurs via an aerosol-droplet route, direct contact, or possibly by contact with contaminated objects. 传播犬瘟热病毒出现通过气溶胶液滴的路线,直接接触,或可能的接触受到污染的物体。
- Canine distemper is a highly contagious and serious disease caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and, often, the nervous systems of puppies and dogs. 犬瘟是一种传染率高的疑难疾病,此病毒会破坏幼犬和成犬的呼吸系统、胃肠系统和神经系统。
- Abstract: It is a reviews on the diagnosis ,active immunization and vaccination failure factors of canine distemper (CD),as well as host range of canine distemper virus (CDV). 摘 要: 本文对犬瘟热(CD)的诊断、预防免疫和免疫失败的影响因素及犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的宿主范围进行了综述。
- Demyelination in brain tissues and lymphocyte depletion are main factors that cause dogs suffering from canine distemper, but the mechanism of lesions is unclear now. 脑组织中髓鞘脱失和淋巴组织中淋巴细胞减少是犬瘟热发生的主要原因,但其发生的机理还未完全搞清。
- All dogs are at risk but puppies younger than four months old and dogs that have not been vaccinated against canine distemper are at increased risk of acquiring the disease. 所有的狗都有可能感染犬瘟,但是四个月内的幼犬和没有注射过犬瘟疫苗的狗最易感染。
- Some compounds made from separate virus strains have been successfully used in vaccines against viruses from the same subfamily, such as smallpox in humans, which is made from cowpox virus, and human measles vaccines for canine distemper in puppies. 一些单独的病毒的混合,已经成功做成对抗病毒的疫苗,譬如像人类的天花,是相同的亚科病毒,是利用牛痘病毒做成的,而且人类的麻疹为小狗的大瘟热疫苗。