- A statistically significant excess in lung cancer mortality occurred in immigrants age 45 to 64. 一个有统计意义的肺癌死亡率高峰出现在年龄为45到64岁的移民中。
- Background: Animal studies suggest that hydrazine is a lung carcinogen, but human studies have been rare, rather small, and limited to cancer mortality. 背景:动物研究发现联氨可能为肺部致癌物质,但人类研究相当少,且局限于癌症死亡率之调查。
- Application for a small-area estimation of breast cancer mortality using Poisson distribution is illustrated. 应用举例为使用泊松分布求取乳癌死亡率之小区域估计。
- Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third commonest cause of cancer mortality worldwide, being responsible for over 500000 deaths annually. 肝细胞癌(Hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)是世界上第三大致死性肿瘤,每年死亡率超过50万人。
- Ovarian cancer mortality in the highest of all gynecological tumor, cervical cancer and more than the sum of endometrial cancer. 卵巢癌的死亡率在所有妇科肿瘤中最高,超过宫颈癌和子宫内膜癌总和。
- Non-small-cell lung cancer(NSCLC)is the one of the leading causes of cancer mortality and also its incidence rate is constantly increasing in china. 在中国,非小细胞肺癌是最常见的癌症致死原因之一,发病率也居高不下。
- Oerall, a poor prognosis for a woman gae first-degree relaties a 60-80 percent higher chance of breast cancer mortality within the fie-year timeframe. 总之,如果乳腺癌患者预后不良,则5年内其患有乳腺癌一级亲属死亡率较预后良好者一级亲属的死亡率高60-80%25。
- With type B/AB, increasing age and possibly long-term occupational dust exposure were risk factors for lung cancer mortality. 在B/AB型血的人中,年龄增加和在职业中长期接触粉尘是肺癌死亡率最关键的因素。
- These findings suggest that the ABO type strongly affects whether various lifestyle factors impact the risk of lung cancer mortality, the authors conclude. 这些发现认为,对ABO型血的人来说,是否说明不同的生活方式对肺癌死亡率有重要的影响,作者最后作出结论说。
- These findings suggest that the ABO type strongly affects whether arious lifestyle factors impact the risk of lung cancer mortality, the authors conclude. 这些发现认为,对ABO型血的人来说,是否说明不同的生活方式对肺癌死亡率有重要的影响,作者最后作出结论说。
- Mahlck CG, Jonsson H, Lenner P. Pap smear screening and changes in cervical cancer mortality in Sweden. International Journal of Gynaecology &Obstetrics 1994; 44(3):267-72. 徐幸妙:全民健保实施前后台湾癌症照护市场之变化。阳明大学医管所硕士论文,1999。
- Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the most common malignant neoplasms in Asia countries, and is the fifth cause of male cancer mortality in Taiwan. 摘要:在亚洲,口腔癌是常见的一种恶性肿瘤,在台湾更是男性癌症死亡率的第五位。
- Yue, C. J. and Chin, F.(2004), “A Simulation Study of Detecting Clusters: An Application of Taiwan Cancer Mortality“, 2004 Joint Statistical Meetings, Toronto, Canada. 余清祥与许添容(2004),“台湾地区乡镇市区生育率的空间与群集研究”,2004年中华民国人口学会。
- In men with type O blood, cumulative tobacco use, high salt intake, long-term occupational dust exposure, high fat intake, alcohol consumption, and older age were all risk factors for lung cancer mortality. 在O型血的人中考察的癌症危险度因子有,长期吸烟,食盐量过高,在职业中长期接触粉尘,高脂肪摄入,酗酒,和年老等。
- Methods Column variable or row variable are divided into groups by factor analysis or cluster analysis, and using subgroup correspondence analysis to study the data of cancer mortality. 方法经过因子分析或聚类分析对列变量或行变量进行合理分组,应用分组对应分析对该县恶性肿瘤死亡资料进行分析。
- The mortality from lung cancer is increasing. 肺癌死亡人数在增多。
- The findings reported here are consistent with our previous results for lung cancer mortality; our new results suggest that exposure to hydrazine increases the risk of incident lung cancers. 本篇报告的发现与我们先前对于肺癌死亡率的结果一致,新的结果显示联氨的暴露会增加肺癌发生率的风险。
- The mortality wrought by an epidemic. 由一传染病引起的大批死亡
- Do you think a cure will be found for cancer? 你觉得能找到治疗癌症的方法吗?
- Cancer ate away his healthy flesh. 癌症侵害了他健康的肌体。