- The point he spoke of will be attended to. 他所说的要点将被注意。
- Cancellation of an order or command. 收回成命; 撤消命令对定货或命令的取消
- Her cancellation of her trip to paris upset our plan. 她取消了巴黎之行打乱了我们的计划。
- He told me about the cancellation of the match. 他告诉了我关于比赛取消的消息。
- A cancellation of an item in account books. 注销勾销掉帐本上的一个项款
- The cancellation of the planputs him in a bad mood. 计划的取消使他很不开心。
- Lacking firmness of will, character, or purpose; irresolute. 意志不坚的没有坚强的意志,品质和明确的目的; 没有决心的
- The cancellation of the game was a real letdown. 比赛取消真是令人失望
- Her strength of will is extraordinary. 她意志的力量是不平常的。
- Notice of Cancellation of Screening! 取消放映启示请注意!
- He told me about the cancellation of the match . 81他告诉了我关于比赛取消的消息。
- He overcomes his bad habit by sheer force of will. 他全凭毅力改掉了坏习惯。
- By sheer force of will, he could penetrate it. 他全仗意志的力量就可以发现那里的秘密。
- There was a clash of wills among committee members. 委员们意愿不一,发生了冲突。
- The cancellation of the plan puts him in a bad mood. 计划的取消使他很不开心。
- With an effort of will he resisted the temptation. 他凭自己的意志顶住了这一诱惑。
- He overcame his bad habits by sheer force of will. 他全凭毅力改掉了坏习惯.
- We regret to inform you of the cancellation of the tour. 我们遗憾地通知您,此次旅行取消了。
- He controlled himself by sheer force of will. 他全靠意志力自我控制。
- B: That's going to take a lot of will power. 那可是需要很大的意志力呢。