- John headed the hospital's building campaign for love. 约翰凭个人兴趣无报酬领导着医院的建设事务。
- He hasn't decided whether to campaign for the senate. 他尚未决定是否参加参议员的竞选。
- Will you support me in my campaign for election ? 你支持我参加竞选吗?
- Youth leaders carry on campaign for small schools. 青年领袖为了缩小学校规模继续开展运动。
- Will you support me in my campaign for election? 你支持我参加竞选吗?
- He announced that he would campaign for the senate. 他宣布他将参加议员竞选。
- Uncommon Valor: Campaign for the South Pacific. 长驱直入:南太平洋战役。
- She threw up her campaign for mayor. 她退出了市长竞选
- He is an untiring campaigner for peace. 他为了争取和平不懈努力。
- An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign. 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划; 一项候选人的政治计划
- Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women. 琼在从事争取妇女平等权力的活动。
- The campaign for Railroad Commissioner had been very interesting. 竞选铁路专员的活动是十分精彩的。
- And some anti-Marketeers even suspect that when it comes to the crunch, Mr Thompson himself will campaign for staying in the Market. 一些反对共同市场的人士甚至怀疑,在关键时刻汤普森先生本人会从事不退出共同市场的活动。
- The unions are campaigning for a shorter working day. 工会发起要求减少每日工作时间的运动。
- There is going to be a campaign for road safety next month. 下个月要开展一次交通安全活动。
- The marketing team brainstormed for hours in designing the marketing campaign for the new product. 行销小组脑力激荡多时,集思广益,设计新产品的行销策略。
- The marketing team brainstorm for hour in designing the marketing campaign for the new product. 行销小组脑力激荡多时,集思广益,设计新产品的行销策略。
- The union leaders are campaigning for better working conditions. 工会领导人为争取改善工作条件而积极活动。
- He is spearheading a campaign for a new stadium in the town. 他正发起一项运动,呼吁在城里新建一座体育场。
- The campaign for spelling reform has been resurrected. 拼写改革运动再次蓬勃起来。